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你的尴尬瞬间或者发生过的出乎意料的事Embarrassing moments or unexpected happenings

他躺在床上,回顾了这一天所发生的事。Lying in the bed, he reviewed the day's happenings.

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这个月最不可能却自然的事情。This month's unmissable natural happenings. By Phil Gates.

奶奶的,怎么会幻想自己死后的情景?God-damned! He was in a fantasy of happenings after his death.

每天发生的小小惊奇,让我们的生活如此多姿。It's those small daily happenings that make life so spectacular.

为什么我要现在发生的微不足道的琐事烦扰我?Why should I permit the petty happenings of today to disturb me?

报纸俰朞刊让我了解峕事。Newspapers and periodicals keep me updated on current happenings.

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他们把第二次世界大战中所有的重大事件都载入编年史中。They chronicled all the remarkable happenings of the Second World War.

奠边府战役中,发生了些现代战场上罕见的怪事。Dien Bien Phu saw one of the most bizarre happenings in modern warfare.

我们的赛事和活动日程表一年到头都是满满当当的。Our events and happenings calendar is ' chock-a-block ' all year round.

看着这一切,女娲很难过。她决心把天补好。Nu Wa felt sorrowful at all these happenings and decided to repair the sky.

Mobloco是一个让你能又快又好地了解你周围所发生的事件的网站。mobloco is a fast and easy way to stay connected to events and happenings in your area.

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近日发生的事件与她回忆起的童年早期的事件,在她脑中混在一起。Recent happenings were jumbled up in her nard with events recalled from early childhood.

百分之八十以上的信件都为这一年发生的事情提供了点句列表标记。More than 80 percent of the letters provide a bullet-point list of the year's happenings.

费农德思礼先生们是一个很富有的英国人。一天,他在上班的路上,注意到发生了一些奇怪的事情。Mr. Dursley, a well-off Englishman, notices strange happenings on his way to work one day.

相公“亚亜”感谢上天让迩降生于此,幷且让皒遇见迩。Xiang Gong "ya ya" Thank God for these happenings the Nativity, with a let met happenings.

而在此之前,最多的电话来自白沙瓦,那里的原部落区居民会询问在他们家乡的村庄里发生了什么。Displaced FATA residents call from Peshawar to ask about happenings in their home villages.

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了解最新的时事,然后在下一次招聘会上利用你的知识向招聘人员吹嘘当前发生的新闻。Stay in the know and blow your interviewers away with your knowledge on current happenings.

大部分岛上发生的诡异的现象都能追溯到物理的真实要素。Most of the weird happenings on the Island can be traced back to actual elements of physics.

更有意思的是谎言本身可能也会反映很久以前发生的事情。More interesting is the notion that myths themselves may reflect real happenings of long ago.