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黎塞的阴影是马萨林。The shade of Richelieu was Mazarin.

红衣主教黎塞留是阴谋反对安妮女王。Cardinal Richelieu is plotting against Queen Anne.

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加拿大魁北克省南部一城市,位于蒙特利尔以东的里奇路河畔。A city of southern Quebec, Canada, on the Richelieu River east of Montreal.

在这里,红衣主教黎塞留很喜欢它,既当饮料又用来帮助消化。Here Cardinal Richelieu enjoyed it both as a drink and to aid his digestion.

该市的巨大内陆港由黎塞留主教建于1631年,作为军事基地和军火库。Its large landlocked harbor was built in 1631 by Cardinal Richelieu as a military base and arsenal.

该市的巨大内陆港由黎塞留主教建于1631年,作为军事基地和军火库。Its large landlocked harbor was built in1631 by Cardinal Richelieu as a military base and arsenal. Population, 156, 060.

朋友说,我们已经会见了黎塞留几天以前到巴黎提供指导和协助车队的进程。Friends we had met at Richelieu a couple of days previously offered to guide the convoy into Paris and assist in the process.

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加拿大魁北克省南部一城镇,位于蒙特利尔东北的黎塞留河畔,有多种轻工业。人口7,540。A town of southern Quebec, Canada, on the Richelieu River northeast of Montreal. It has varied light industries. Population, 7,540.

黎塞留红衣主教公开承认他的政治原则是“君主应永远避免任用绝对诚实的人材。”Cardinal Richelieu avowed openly in his political principles, that "kings should alwaysavoid using the talents of thoroughly honest men."

我们留在8.00我们在卢瓦尔河谷小木屋星期日上午试图在艾菲尔铁塔的照片拍摄和凯旋门在黎塞留。We left our chalet in the Loire Valley at Richelieu at 8.00 am on Sunday to attempt a photo shoot at the Eiffel Tower and the Arc de Triomphe.

黄河汽车几天离开追查环法自行车赛,樱桃红和车留在巴黎,而其他三个车返回黎塞留。The Yellow Car departed for a few days to track down the Tour de France, Red and Cherry Car stayed in Paris while the three other cars returned to Richelieu.

幸福的一对在他们出席另一场聚会之前,会在使他们出名的15分钟期间,在波将金台阶顶上或者离塞留公爵雕像附近摆摆样子。The happy couples pose at the top of the Potemkin stairs or by the statue of the Duc de Richelieu during their fifteen minutes of fame before another party takes their place.