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Solex字体样本书.Solex Typeface Specimen Book.

哪个字体最适合这个设计?Which typeface is perfect for this design?

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细字体暗淡,而且更难以阅读。Light typeface is fainter and harder to read.

Prociono是一种罗马字体,有着黑色的字符。It is a roman typeface with blackletter elements.

印刷技术中指专用铅字面的一种加粗形式。In printing, a heavier version of a particular typeface.

但毫无疑问的是,这款字体的确有两个不同的正式名称。Without a doubt, the typeface has had two official names.

现在的斜体,是用正体字改变为倾斜而成。Italic to-day is a "Slanted " version of a roman typeface.

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复制粘贴不会改变你字体的粗细比率。Copy-paste should not change the contrast in your typeface.

你选择那种字体,,即清晰易读。Whichever typeface you select, choose on that is highly legible.

可读性是正文字体的唯一考量指标。Readability . The only important aspect of a text typeface is the readability.

这样的设计很大程度上取决于我们使用一种简洁字型。This design relies heavily on the fact that we've used a simple, clean typeface.

红黄蓝的主色调和粗体选用传达出稳定感和信赖感。Primary colors and a bold typeface were chosen to display stability and credibility.

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书法与中文字体设计有相同的载体—汉字。The calligraphy and Chinese typeface design has the same carrier -Chinese character.

你可以在写完后下载全部内容——按照原本的字体,或另选其它字体。You can download it all later -- as you wrote it, or in the typeface of your choice.

字标是定制字体努特拉反映符号的对称性。The wordmark was customized from the typeface Neutra to reflect the symmetry of the symbol.

字体另一个因素是影响质保书视觉效果的是字体。Typeface . Another factor that affects the visual quality of your warranty is the typeface.

字体的比例将影响其外观及应用。The proportions within a certain typeface are influencing the way your type will work &look.

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空铅,铅块比抬升的印刷平面要更低的金属条,用于填空格和空行。A piece of type metal lower than the raised typeface used for filling spaces and blank lines.

帕拉提诺协会是一个21世纪的无衬线字体从主德国设计师赫尔曼察普夫。Palatino Sans is a 21st Century sans serif typeface from the master German designer Hermann Zapf.

非设计人员老是强调要为演示文稿或合适的理由寻找合适的字体。Non-designers frequently stress out about finding the proper typeface for a presentation, and for good reason.