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没有风。No wind.

象风一般。Like the wind.

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起风了。The wind rise.

随风舞。Dance wid wind.

风大起来了。The wind is up.

化作了风中之尘。Dust in the wind.

飘移在那风里。Move in the wind.

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一股寒冷莫明的风。A cold wind blows.

藏风吹之。Hide wind to blow.

风是怎样形成的?How is wind formed?

我是在顶风作战。I was against wind.

北风又吹了起来。North wind blew up.

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风魂引擎。Wind Spirit engine.

风吹树式。Wind and tree-type.

风传播声音。Wind carries sound.

井架的风载能力?Wind load capacity?

只有那风中的微笑。Just smiles in wind.

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海风醉人。Sea wind intoxicate.

风刮得很紧。The wind blows hard.

风又来了。The wind came again.