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提斯柏是一位巴比伦少女。Thisbe was a Babylonian maid.

他们一起击败了巴比伦军队。Together they defeated the Babylonian army.

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但在古巴比伦时期的记录中,却只字未提。There is no mention of them in ancient Babylonian records.

巴比伦的黎明女神,太阳神的配偶。Aja The Babylonian dawn goddess and consort of the sun god.

巴比伦的新年庆祝持续11天。The Babylonian new year celebration lasted for eleven days.

萨达姆自诩为巴比伦的雄狮在此代表伊拉克。Saddam, who bragged that the Babylonian lion on behalf of Iraq.

Nibiru被古代巴比伦天文学家描述成一颗恒星。Nibiru was described as a star by the ancient Babylonian astronomers.

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这些用材可以追溯到公元前7世纪的巴比伦时期。The materials dated it to the Babylonian period in the seventh century B.C.

主兴起了波斯王古列,赶走了巴比伦的统治者。The Lord raised up Cyrus, king of Persia, who overthrew the Babylonian ruler.

公元前612年,巴比伦征服亚述,使她成为巴比伦帝国的一部分。In 612 B. C. , Babylon crushed Assyria and made it part of the Babylonian empire.

巴比伦的数学体系是六十进制,是以60为基础的系统。The Babylonian system of mathematics was sexagesimal, or a base 60 numeral system.

公元前1750年,巴比伦寺庙的住持开始对当地发行贷款。By 1750 B.C., Babylonian temple priests had branched out into issuing loans to locals.

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文末附有有关古巴比伦时期基础知识的附录,并摘有原始楔形文字泥板文献数篇。At the ending of this article, some basic knowledge about the Old Babylonian Period is added.

农神节是巴比伦的祭司前面一个异教徒从传统继承了罗马。Saturnalia was a tradition inherited by the Roman pagans from an earlier Babylonian priesthood.

上升度数的用法,可能会在前古希腊,巴比伦占星术中发现。The use of a rising degree may or may not have been found in pre-Hellenistic Babylonian astrology.

但是,丢番图的解是严格代数的,而不像巴比伦人的解是拟几何的。However, Diophantus' solution is strictly algebraic, unlike the quasigeometric Babylonian solution.

大约在公元前2000年,巴比伦算术已经演化成为一种高度发展的用文字叙述的代数学。By 2000 B. C, babylonian arithmetic had evolved into a well-developed rhetorical, or prose, algebra.

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跟从护卫长迦勒底的全军就拆毁耶路撒冷四围的城墙。The whole Babylonian army, under the commander of the imperial guard, broke down the walls around Jerusalem.

一个时期的重大学术成果之后,和领导的世界犹太人交给巴比伦学校。A period of great scholarly accomplishment followed, and leadership of world Jewry passed to the Babylonian schools.

这一段对金星的精确描述由3500年前的巴比伦天文学家所记录。What's remarkable about these observations of Venus is that they were made about 3500 years ago, by Babylonian astrologers.