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各类选举已经成为组织性暗杀活动的特定行动期。Elections have become long spells of organised thuggery.

对于伊斯兰主义治安维持会分子的容忍也达到了令人担忧的地步。There has also been a worrying tolerance for thuggery by Islamist vigilantes.

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所以商业公司破坏雨林的屠杀是如此的罪恶。This is one reason the corporate thuggery that is destroying the rainforests is so criminal.

行动党主席和著名律师卡巴星,也成了巫统暴徒的受害者。DAP Chairman and prominent lawyer, Karpal Singh, has also fallen prey to UMNO's political thuggery.

如果工人们无法自由组织工会,就把这种选择从他们手中夺走,再用暗中消灭工会的权利来替代它。If workers won’t freely choose to organize unions, take that choice away from them and substitute it with union thuggery.

的确,会场外抗议的韩国农民的过火行为是对会场内欧盟所为的反响。Indeed, the thuggery by protesting Korean farmers outside the conference mirrored that on the part of the European Union inside.

一边是蹒跚的官僚政治,一边是对经济的兴趣,这让官员们有时倾向于扼杀,有时又倾向于更大的容忍。It is a mix of jostling bureaucratic and economic interests which push officials sometimes towards thuggery and sometimes towards greater tolerance.

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现在这支荷兰队的风格站在了克鲁伊夫的对立面,足球教父承认目睹了他们昨晚的凶狠表现后感到十分悲哀。The current Holland team played in a style that was the antithesis of that last night and a disappointed Cruyff admits it saddened him to witness their thuggery.

由于两名球迷无谓死亡,一些人对第一回合的比赛无动于衷于此事感到无法理解。With two fans dead from a night of senseless thuggery , it was incomprehensible to some that the semi-final first-leg could carry on regardless at Ali Sami Yen Stadium.

中国政府应立即释放这些活跃人士和他们的家人,否则表明政府偏向暴行多于偏向法治。The Chinese government should immediately release these activists and their family members. A failure to do so demonstrates a preference for thuggery over the rule of law.