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译这是一个玫瑰盛开的花园。This is a garden abloom with roses.

野草正开满着纤小的紫花。The weeds were abloom with tiny purple blossoms.

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野草正开满着纤小的紫花。The weeds were abloom with tiny purple blossoms.

野草正开满著纤小的紫花。The weeds were abloom with tiny purple blossoms.

人成熟一点,妳的爱情便会开花结果。To be mature, then love will be abloom and fruitful.

在今年的嘉士伯,野花依旧盛开。The wildflowers were still abloom in Jasper this year.

杂草开著小小的紫色花朵,透出醉人的芳香。The weeds were abloom with tiny purple blossoms and gave forth an overpowering fragrance.

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在英国,五一节是天气变暖、花儿开放树木繁茂的时节。In Britain, May Day is a time of warmer weather and abloom flowers as well as flourishing trees.

我们将采取或誓言下的“格”应该绽开的鲜花和藤蔓某种。We will take or vows underneath the "Trellis" which should be abloom with flowers and a vine of some sort.

春天来了,这里周围的一切都被樱草花淹没,而此刻银莲花正在愉快的盛放。In the spring all everything around the place is covered with primroses. At the moment wood anemone is abloom.

昨日14时25分,记者通过帖子中留下的QQ号联系到了“一棵开花的树”。Yesterday 14 when 25 minutes, the reporter arrived through the QQ date connection that stays in the card " an abloom tree ".

在一个开满粉红色和深红色玫瑰花的花园中漫游着,这一对浪漫的情侣享受着蜜月的甜蜜时光。Strolling through a garden abloom with pink and crimson roses, this romantic couple shares a sweet moment of their honeymoon.

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水仙在冬季盛开已经很稀罕了,若能让它在春节开,就更会为你增添一份欣喜。It is uncommon that narcissus can be abloom in winter. It would be a great pleasure if it could bloom in the course of Spring Festival.

当我走近的时候,我裸露的脚几乎碰到了两条垄之间的温暖的泥土,我能看到这个树已经开花了,还有许多紫色的茎样的嫩叶。As I drew closer my bare feet barely skimming the warm earth between the rows I could see that the bush was abloom with dozens of purple spear-like fronds.

当我走近的时候,我裸露的脚几乎陷在了两条垄之间的温暖的泥土,我能看到这个树已经开花了,还有许多紫色的茎样的嫩叶。As I drew closer, my bare feet barely skimming the warm earth between the rows, I could see that the bush was abloom with dozens of purple spear-like fronds.

研究表明,3种植物繁殖容易,早春和秋季均可开花,管理简单,是值得推广的地被植物。The results showed that three kinds of plants were propagated and managed easily and they are abloom in the early spring and autumn, worthy to be popularized as ground cover plants.