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但是,这场无人机战役能打胜吗?But is the drone war winnable?

我们主场除了切尔西之外,其他的都是可以保证全取三分的。Our home games, with the exception of Chelsea, are all very winnable.

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我们生命中的斗争,只是,一场斗争,但却是可以战胜的。It proposed that the fight of our lives is just that, a fight, but a winnable one.

当一个队的成绩是这样的时候,他们只能是在比赛日程表上寻找可能获胜的比赛了。When you're 1-18, you look for winnable games on the schedule. This is one of them.

“篮球是一种跑动中的游戏,”他说,“我很开心了解这一点——每场比赛都能赢。"Basketball is a game of runs, " he said. "It's good to know that every game is winnable.

风险总是在每一个参与的情况下进行,即使这似乎是赢。Risks are always involved in every undertaking of a case even if it appears to be winnable.

根据卡鲁本人,两场都是可以拿下的比赛,他表示维拉阵中不会胆怯。Both games are winnable fixtures, according to Carew, who claims the Villa camp are not shy on confidence.

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彼得雷乌斯说这项使命是能够获胜的,只要美军和伊拉克军队携手合作就能结束战争。Petraeus says the mission there is winnable , but U. S. and Iraqi forces need to work together to end violence.

组织者与社区领袖一道开展有效的民间运动,为民众关切的问题寻找解决方案。Organizers work with a group’s leadership to craft effective public campaigns and turn concerns into winnable issues.

我希望我们的伙计们,在我们丢掉一场可以赢得的比赛前,醒过来。尤其是希望看到姚明的侵略性。I hope these guys wake up before they lose another winnable game. I especially want to see some aggressiveness out of Yao.

国防大臣鲍伯·安斯沃思说,我们“能赢得”这场战斗,但是他告诫说这场战斗不会提早结束。Bob Ainsworth, the defence secretary, said the conflict was "winnable" but warned there would be no early end to the fighting.

这是爱尔兰人为保存实力在主场面对伯恩利而使出的“田忌赛马”。It was been suggested the Irishman was saving his side for what might be considered to be a more winnable game at home to Burnley.

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我确信我们正在取得进展,我也确信我们能够赢得这场战斗,不过我们不会在短期内就获胜。"I do believe that we are making progress and I do believe that this is winnable, but it is not winnable in the short term, " he told the BBC.

别把SOA当作一个长期的工作,把它当作由市场或组织内部驱动的变更所带来的一场场短小精悍的小战役吧。Think about SOA not as a protracted effort, but as a series of short, winnable skirmishes that happen as change is driven through your market or organization.

然而,有一个重要的现象是,曹锦辉在球队的重要性渐增,成为总教练利托在有机会赢球的比赛中会派上场的中继投手。It is interesting to note, however, the increasing importance of Chin-hui Tsao in the way Dodgers manager Grady Little is slotting his relievers in winnable games.

“知道每场比赛我们都能赢真爽,”奥多姆周六的训练后表示,“比赛还剩六、七分钟的时候落后十分,我们知道我们将会打出士气并赢得比赛。"It's good to know every game is winnable , " Lamar Odom said after practice Saturday. "So we're down 10, with seven minutes left, six minutes left, we know that we can come back and win that game.

5月7日,我在初选获胜的可能性更大了,因为此时加里.哈特参议员与唐娜.赖斯的绯闻被揭露出来,曾在1984年差点就意外击败副总统蒙代尔的加里退出了竞选。On May 7, the primary looked even more winnable when Senator Gary Hart, who had almost upset Vice President Mondale in 1984, withdrew from the race after his relationship with Donna Rice was exposed.