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防疫堤防几丈高?How high a dyke?

洪水冲垮了堤坝。The flood waters burst the dyke.

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如果堤坝决堤,所有人都会被淹死If the dyke goes, you are drowned.

我和乔斯林初次见面是在城市一间女同酒吧。I met Jocelyn at a dyke bar in the city.

从此,人们就把这个堤称作救命堤。The dyke has since been named The Life-Saver.

那条堤坝是为拦洪修建的。The dyke was built to retain the f1ood waters.

他在一条石堤的掩护下匍匐前进。He crawl on his belly under the lee of a stone dyke.

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工人们以惊人的速度完成了筑坝工程。The workers finished the dyke with remarkable speed.

千里之堤,溃于蚁穴。One ant hole may cause the collapse of a thousand-li dyke.

战士们用身体堵住大堤的裂口。The soldiers used their bodies to plug up a hole in the dyke.

官方后来说,堤坝已经修复,且没有造成泄漏。Officials later said the dyke was repaired and nothing spilled.

这个堤坝的南端被宇航员用照片拍下来。The southern end of the dyke is captured in this astronaut photograph.

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江西省赣抚大堤在1998年洪水期间多处出现渗漏和散浸。Some seepages were found in Ganfu great dyke in 1998 during flood period.

我看见,有一处地方的湖水已在堤坝顶部形成浪峰。At one point, I saw the waters had even begun cresting over the top of the dyke.

如果堤坝垮了,这张图片就是一个男孩指着堤坝If the dyke goes--here's the image of the Dutch boy with his finger in the dyke.

我们立即组成突击小组轮班进行堤坝的抢修工作。We immediately organized into shock groups to work by shifts on repairing the dyke.

村民们正急匆匆地在坝顶堆积沙袋以加高堤坝。Villagers are scrambling to pile sandbags onto the top of the dyke to raise it higher.

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铺设软体排是目前在护堤和治理航道两项工程中采用的新技术。Paving soft body row is a new technique used for protecting dyke and managing sea-route.

双层堤基的渗透破坏首先是从黏性土盖层开始的。Failure of double layer dyke foundation by seepage first begins from tenacious clay covering.

华北克拉通中部广泛发育晚前寒武纪镁铁质岩墙群。Late Precambrian mafic dyke swarms are extensively developed in the central North China Craton.