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这个路标是什么?What is the landmark?

它可是楠溪江的标志性景观。It is a landmark of the Nanxi River.

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它可以说是威海的标志性建筑。It is the landmark structure of Weihai.

这座塔曾是船只的陆标。The tower was once a landmark for ships.

看,这就是红磨坊的地标。See, this is the landmark of Moulin Rough.

这里是塞拉达莱巴,安哥拉的地标。This is Serra da Leba, a landmark in Angola.

在非洲中部,卡巴尔还是个挺突出的地方。Kabale is quite a landmark in central Africa.

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国宾大饭店是洛杉矶的地标性建筑之一。The Ambassador Hotel is a Los Angeles landmark.

祇园区是京都的另一个地标。The Gion district is another landmark in Kyoto.

柏林墙跑到这座历史性地标前边。The Wall ran in front of the historic landmark.

“幻影颂歌”成了当地的标志。“Phantasma Gloria” has become a local landmark.

独立钟是我们这个城市最有名的地标。The Liberty Bell-our city's most famous landmark.

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东方明珠是南京青岛旅游价格的标志性建筑。The oriental peal tower is a landmark of shanghai.

那山顶上的塔乃是尽人皆知的陆标。The tower on the hilltop is a well-known landmark.

山顶上的教堂是一个显著的陆标。The church on the hilltop was a well-known landmark.

它是一个历史纪念碑,就像一个历史坐标。It's a historic monument, like a historical landmark.

奥雷·舍为新加坡创造了一个全新的地标。Ole Scheeren has created anew landmark for Singapore.

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吃饱后,我们去看鱼尾狮,那是当地的地标。After lunch, we went to Merlion. It's a local landmark.

每一座来福士都是城市核心地标。Every Raffles City is the signature landmark of a city.

未来天际线是这座城市最主要的电影地标。The futuristic skyline is the city's top film landmark.