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草地上的草还没割。The meadow is not yet mown.

士兵们被机关枪打死了。The soldiers were mown down by machine-gun fire.

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祂必降临,像雨降在已割的草地上。He shall come down like rain upon the mown grass.

白鹭飞落在新绿的青草。Egrets glide and land on the mown with new blades.

最前面的一排士兵被机枪火力扫射倒了。The front row of soldiers were mown down by machinegun fire.

弥漫着刚割下的干草的味道,芳香的牧场让我回想起我的青春。That meadow fragrant with the smell of newly mown hay reminds me of my youth.

他必降临,像雨降在已割的草地上,如甘霖滋润田地。He will be like rain falling on a mown field, like showers watering the earth.

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几个孩子迷了路,闯到机场的飞机跑道上,结果。Several children had strayed onto an airport runway and been mown down by a jet.

就在那儿,您看,那边洼地上还堆放着成排的刚割下来的干草呢,您瞧,那儿还有一座桥。Here, do you see, where the rows of mown hay are still lying in the low ground, there's the bridge.

苹果球中浸透进了新鲜的青草味道,其中应用的技术称为逆向真空处理法。Theapple balls have been infused with essence of freshly mown hay using atechnique called reverse vacuuming.

被冷落的我抬起头看他那张自豪的面孔时,心里就像被刀割那样痛。Drive unfrequented of when I raise head to see him that proud of face, in the mind resemble was mown by the knife so painful.

一个惊人的自然球洞,平坦的发球台,被剪出来的球道和一个凸出的山头,刚好作为果岭。A wonderfully natural hole where all that was needed was to have a tee flattened, a fairway mown and a hill leveled for a green.

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别担心,如果你在闻海地咖啡时把这种苹果香味和新割青草的味道搞混的话是没有人会怪你的。Don't worry, no one would blame you if you mistook it for the scent of freshly mown grass when smelling a Haitai coffee for example.

他们给了穷人、寡妇和孤儿一种特权,使他们可以比旁人早三天割他们草场上的草料。They have conferred on the poor, on widows and orphans, the right to have their meadows mown three days in advance of every one else.

新割的干草或者玫瑰的芳香所散发的味道,诸如这样的感觉都会在瞬间唤醒萦绕在脑海中的这些场景。The pictures that linger in his mind, called up in a moment by such sensations as the smell of roses or of new- mown hay, are of a single nature.

事实上,从一个修剪较低的草抗里切球到临近被抬高的果岭比从一个沙坑里还要难。In fact, the flop shot required from a closely mown grassy hollow to an adjacent elevated green can be even more difficult than a shot from a sand bunker.

他要士兵在步桥上排开,为那残酷的荣誉感站着挨打,死者枕藉,对敌人却没有丝毫威胁。They were, therefore, drawn up upon the gangway to satisfy this cruel point of honour and there without the possibility of annoying the enemy they were mown down.

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可自由获取的某样东西如果太多,在非正式的情况下可以称其为恶劣,但是反过来,如果这样东西消失,就可以称为商品,例如修整过的草坪、干净的空气等等。Too much of something freely available can informally be referred to as a bad, but then its absence can be classified as a good, thus, a mown lawn, clean air, etc.

人活着不仅依靠食物,还需要玫瑰的馨香、橙花的芬芳、新割青草的清香、挚友的握手和母亲温柔的一吻。Not by bread alone, but by the fragrance of roses, the scent of orange blossoms, the smell of new- mown hay, the clasp of a friend's hand, the tenderness of a mother's kiss.

一回首,一抬头,人在暮色中孤单的等待,当我在现实里被割得鲜血淋淋,却还活着,我应该感恩了。While looking back, on raising head, the person is solitary in the twilight of wait for, be me to be mown in the reality fresh and bloody, but still on the hoof, I should feel grateful.