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穿越布里纳山口的汽车旅行令人十分愉快。The bus trip through the Brenner was lovely.

当时的他不过二十出头,是萨拉索塔的新佛罗里达学院的大二学生。Brenner was a sophomore at New College of Florida in Sarasota.

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然而,布兰诺坚称他与多莉的性关系并未伤害到她的健康。But Brenner insists his relationship did not harm the dolphin.

同样感到政府的答复不能让人信服的还有戴维·布伦纳博士。Dr. David Brenner is equally unpersuaded by the government's response.

布兰诺称,多莉在他俩最后一次见面之后的九个月后过世。Brenner said Dolly died about nine months after the last time he saw her.

布伦纳是哥伦比亚大学放射学研究中心的主任。Brenner is head of the Center for Radiological Research at Columbia University.

布兰诺称他会考虑在将来展开另一段人鱼恋。Brenner said he might consider another relationship with a dolphin in the future.

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伯纳德博士把文档捐给冷泉港之后不久他做了检测。He inspected the archives shortly after Dr. Brenner donated them to Cold Spring Harbor.

“这太令我‘性’奋了,”布兰诺说道,“这就好比跟一只老虎或一头熊在一起。"I found that extraordinarily erotic," Brenner said. "It's like being with a tiger or a bear.

1974年生物学家西德尼·布雷纳把蛔虫选作实验对象时就有这个目标。The biologist Sydney Brenner chose the roundworm as an experimental animal in 1974 with this goal in mind.

布伦纳告诉谷歌,应该为那些想要在产假期间学习商业的准妈妈设立项目。Brenner told Google there should be a program for new mothers who want to learn about business while on maternity leave.

一个作家雇佣他给一份儿童读物拍摄位于诺克米斯附近的游乐场里的海豚表演的照片。A writer hired Brenner to take photographs for a children's book about the dolphin show at an amusement park in nearby Nokomis.

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而且,布伦纳说,他们有理由相信每次扫描人体接受的辐射量要比政府所说的高大约9倍。And Brenner says there's reason to think the radiation dose delivered per scan is about 10 times higher than the government says.

布兰诺指出,一些研究者辩解说海豚理应被视作“非人类的人”,因为它们有着极高的智商。Brenner points out that some researchers have argued dolphins should be considered "non-human persons," because of their intelligence.

“有些人表示很难相信我没有虐待多莉,”布兰诺说道,“他们根本没见过我跟多莉的亲密互动。"Some people find it hard to imagine that I wasn't abusing the animal," Brenner said. "They didn't see me interacting with the dolphin.

布伦纳说,如果雷兹关于辐射量的计算是正确的,那么飞行员和频繁乘机的旅客受到的辐射量将超过建议的每年辐射量上限250微希沃特。Brenner says if Rez's dose calculation is right, pilots and very frequent fliers could exceed the recommended annual radiation dose limit of 250 microSieverts.

作为一种具有自我意识的哺乳动物,海豚能够对同类,当然还有个别人类产生深沉的情感依恋。"As self-aware mammals, dolphins are capable of making profound emotional attachments to other dolphins and, apparently, to selected humans as well," Brenner said.

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希拉·布伦纳是以色列特拉维夫市富有经验的企业家。她创立了两家公司。她还投资了其它公司,并指导人们如何开公司。Hilla Brenner is an experienced entrepreneur in Tel Aviv, Israel. She started two companies. She also invests in other companies and mentors people trying to start businesses.

布伦纳博士曾向作家霍勒斯贾德森展示自己一箱箱没整理的信件,并解释没像克里克的信件被扔掉是因为自己太懒而没去送交备案。Dr. Brenner once showed the author Horace Judson boxes of his unsorted correspondence, explaining it had survived, unlike Crick’s, only because he had been too lazy to file it.

布瑞尔与美国科学家罗勃特?何维兹和英国科学家约翰?萨尔顿三人凭借他们在器官发育和细胞死亡方面的遗传基因研究成果一举获得了2002年的诺贝尔医学奖。Brenner shared the Nobel medicine prize in 2002 with Robert Horvitz of the United States and Briton John Sulston for their work on genetic regulation of organ development and cell death.