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那部新片真了不起。That new movie is a blockbuster.

我们的新影片一定会大为轰动。Our new film will be a real blockbuster.

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皮拉马尔先生想要创造出有巨大影响的新药。Mr Piramal wants to invent new blockbuster drugs.

这部情景喜剧是一部很轰动的电影所衍生出来的节目。This sit-com is a spin-off of a blockbuster movie.

还是喜欢巨星丹泽尔·华盛顿主演的?How about a blockbuster starring Denzel Washington?

在当地电影院观看最新的大片。Take in the latest blockbuster at the local theater.

约翰·安提奥克曾经是百视达的CEO,任期是1997到2007。John Antioco was CEO of Blockbuster from 1997 to 2007.

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这部重磅电影是该三部曲电影中的第三部。The blockbuster is the third installment in the film trilogy.

关于巨额交易的流言飞语也许很快就会变成落地的尘埃。Rumours fly about the blockbuster deals that may soon be done.

我参与过许多代理权争夺案,但百视达的很轻松。I’ve been involved in many proxy fights, but Blockbuster was easy.

这是,这是一条真正的爆炸性消息,就发生在周一上午六点。This is--this is a real blockbuster and right at 6 AM on a Monday.

他的作品包括重量级作品根X警察和奖章。His credits include blockbuster films Gen- X Cops and The Medallion.

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百视达过了一个好年,管理阶层都拿到了丰厚的红利。Blockbuster had a very good year, and management was due big bonuses.

但是这类轰动式的美术作品展并没有给人欣赏的机会。But the nature of these blockbuster shows means it's no chance at all.

杰克逊于两年前去世,他在1983年拍摄了该重磅录像带。Jackson, who died two years ago, filmed the blockbuster video in 1983.

如果仅加入豆奶或杏仁奶,那么早餐便已足够健康。Simply add soymilk or almond milk, and you have a blockbuster breakfast!

所以,NBC要想留住观众,还是需要一个在黄金时段能一鸣惊人的节目。So NBC still needs a prime time, blockbuster show to keep audiences put.

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但我感兴趣的是畅销商品以后会怎样发展。But what I am interested in is what's going to happen to the blockbuster?

我赞成去百视达租片,然后今晚待在家里。I am in favor of renting a movie from Blockbuster and staying in tonight.

它已经越来越多的格式为影片包括头像。It's already a growing format for movies including the blockbuster Avatar.