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跳舞会的事?。Prom committee thing?

他对委员会指手画脚。He lorded it over the committee.

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他当选为委员。He was elected to the committee.

Kyl是超级委员会的成员.Kyl is a super committee member.

班委会明天开会。The class committee meets tomorrow.

有必要做这个委员会的委员吗?Do you have to chair that committee?

在委员会前,摩恩证实了这些。Moen testified before the committee.

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委员会在市政厅开会。The committee meets in the townhall.

他们委任他为委员。They appointed him to the committee.

他暗通关节,钻营投机挤进了委员会。He bribed himself onto the committee.

我就在编写这份报告的委员会。I was on the committee that wrote it.

委员会反对他的提议。The committee traversed his proposal.

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我们选出一个委员会来代表我们。We chose a committee to represent us.

有最终的裁决权。IMO Hong Kong Committee will be final.

他向该委员会提交了一份备忘录。He tendered the committee a referendum.

委员会同意我们的提议。The committee assented to our proposals.

委员会由李将军任主席。The committee is chaired by General Lee.

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该计划被委员会否决了。The plan was negatived by the committee.

他们的作品再交回委员会修改。Their work is then tweaked in committee.

他向委员会呈交了一份报告。He submitted the report to the committee.