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所有民事纠纷都将在萨瓦每月一次举行的公开法庭上解决。All civil disputes are settled by the Sava who holds an open court once a month.

沿海为达尔马提亚海岸,北部为斯拉沃尼丘陵与萨瓦河沿岸平原。Dalmatian coast to coast, north to the Sava River Slavonski hills and coastal plain.

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此时萨瓦一家已经身无分文,只能滞留在里约热内卢的汤姆·若宾机场。Sava at this time has been a penniless, they could only stay in Rio de Janeiro's Tom Jobim Airport.

做完了这些,萨瓦将告知氏族领导者他们的决定,开始迁徙。Once this is done the Sava inform the clan's leadership of their decision and preparations to move begin.

该市地处两个国际水道,在萨瓦河和多瑙河在塞尔维亚中部北部汇合。The city lies on two international waterways, at the confluence of the Sava and Danube in north central Serbia.

在保加利亚籍的钢琴家萨瓦•萨沃夫的指导下,他在苏黎世音乐音乐学院继续他的钢琴学习。At the Zurich Music Conservatoire he continued his piano studies under the guidance of Bulgarian born pianist, Sava Savoff.

贝尔格莱德南斯拉夫首都和最大城市,位于该国东部的多瑙河与萨瓦河的汇合处。The capital and largest city of Yugoslavia, in the eastern part of the country at the confluence of the Danube and Sava rivers.

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一旦萨瓦接到返回的斥候的报告,他们就会召开大会,选择一个新的地点定居。Once the Sava receives the reports of the returning scouts they convene an assembly of their number and choose a new site to settle.

只有萨瓦感觉氏族的位置足够安全的时候,才让斥候返回老定居点去护送那些留下的人。Only when the Sava feels secure enough in the clan's position are the scouts sent back to the old settlement to escort those left behind.

同时,叙利亚权利组织萨瓦西亚当天表示,镇压活动开始以来,政府逮捕了至少500人。Meanwhile, the Syrian rights group, said the day of the Sava West Asia, the repression began, the government arrested at least 500 people.

他们必须全心侍奉萨瓦和无畏猛士,从不疑问,不这样做就要被氏族流放。They serve under the complete control of the Sava and the Mandare and follow without question, for not to do so would mean exile from the clan.

只有少数氏族成员被容许私下会见萨瓦,无畏猛士还负责为氏族的其他人转达信息。One of the only a few members of the clan allowed to meet with the Sava in their private chambers the Mandare acts as the voice of the rest of the clan.

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萨瓦说,他们现在希望有航空公司能免费将他们一家带到巴西和委内瑞拉交界的罗赖马州首府博阿维斯塔。Sava said they now hope that the airlines will be able to free the family to Brazil and Venezuela at the junction of the Roraima state capital of Boa Vista.

萨格勒布萨瓦河畔一城市,位于贝尔格莱德西北偏北,原来一直是克罗地亚的重要城市,19世纪时,它是南斯拉夫民族主义运动的一个中心。A city on the Sava River north-northwest of Belgrade. Long the chief city of Croatia, it was a center of the Yugoslavian nationalist movement in the19th century.

2011年1月19日,塞尔维亚游泳者们纷纷跳入冰冷的萨瓦河,争相去取贝尔格莱德里的十字架,这是庆祝显现节一种方式。Serbian swimmers dive in the cold waters of the Sava lake as they compete to reach a cross in Belgrade as part of the Epiphany day celebration on January 19, 2011.

萨瓦授予军事首领“无畏猛士”的称号,允许恢复劫掠行动以补充氏族的奴隶库存和用品。The Sava also grants the military head of the derro, known as the Mandare, permission to resume raiding activities replenishing the clan's slave stock and supplies.

在潘诺尼亚平原和巴尔干半岛之间,贝尔格莱德,位于塞尔维亚中北部的两条国际河流---萨瓦河和多瑙河---的交汇处。The city lies on two international waterways, at the confluence of the Sava and Danube in north central Serbia , where the Pannonian Plain meets the Balkan Peninsula.

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在不到一个月时间里,尽管天气恶劣,我们7千人的部队和超过2千辆装甲车已越过了洪水泛滥的萨瓦河到达任务地点。In less than a month and despite terrible weather, seven thousand of our troops and more than two thousand armored vehicles had crossed the flooded Sava River to reach their duty stations.