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血管造影是一种X射线测试。An angiogram is a kind of X-ray test.

这种情况可能需要血管造影测试才能发现。Finding this condition may require tests other than an angiogram.

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血管造影能够反映出血管内破坏和阻塞的程度。An angiogram shows the amount of damage and blockage in blood vessels.

到达医院后,医生们做了常规的称为血管摄影的测试。After reaching to the hospital, the doctors prescribed a test called angiogram.

最后给出了对临床得到的造影图像序列进行实验的结果。A test on two real coronary angiogram sequences is presented and results are encouraging.

荧光素眼底血管造影显示无血管渗漏。Fluorescein angiogram of these eyes showed there is no dye leakage from the retinal vessels.

血管计算机断层扫描在指定的医疗提供者进行,此项已加进您的保障内容内。CT angiogram has been added to your Schedule of Benefits as an Affiliated Provider only procedure.

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医生给她做了X光血管造影,期待着发现并治疗引发其症状的血栓。When doctors performed an X-ray angiogram expecting to find and treat a blood clot that had caused Mrs.

提出了一种自动提取数字造影血管图像中2维血管树中轴的新方法。In this paper, a new automated approach is proposed to extract the centerlines from 2D angiogram images.

颅骨检查正常,磁共振血管造影示左侧大脑后动脉轻度狭窄。A skull workup was normal and MR angiogram revealed only mild narrowing of the left posterior cerebral artery.

心脏检查正常,磁共振血管造影示左侧大脑后动脉轻度狭窄。Cardiac workup was normal and MR angiogram revealed only mild narrowing of the left posterior cerebral artery.

血管造影显示左颈总动脉的主要分支的栓子阻塞。This angiogram demonstrates an embolic obstruction of a branch of the left common carotid artery just past the first main bifurcation.

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此位四十五岁的女性病患表现出全身不适及下肢水肿,磁振扫描及血管摄影显示为肝内下腔静脉膜状阻塞合并大量血栓。A 45-year-old woman developed general malaise and edema of legs. MOVC with large thrombi was diagnosed after MR angiogram and vena cavogram.

一项能证实谁真正得需要做血管造影的简单血液检测将会非常有帮助,自从这项检测去年上市以来,已经有6000余人做了这项基因检测。A simple blood test to show who truly needs an angiogram would help, and 6,000 people have had the gene test since it went on sale last year.

一项能证实谁真正得需要做血管造影的简单血液检测将会非常有帮助,自从这项检测去年上市以来,已经有6000余人做了这项基因检测。A simple blood test to show who truly needs an angiogram would help, and 6,000 people have had the gene test since it went on sale last year. It has drawbacks.

唯对于网膜血管疾病及渗出性黄斑变性视力不良原因之评估及雷射治疗之规划等,则萤光血管摄影有莫大的帮助。However, angiogram is useful in assessing cause of visual loss and indications for photocoagulation in retinal vascular disease and exudative macular degeneration.

眼窝电脑断层显示双侧海绵窦及上眼静脉鼓张,颈动脉血管摄影诊断为右侧外伤性颈动脉海绵窦瘘管。Orbital computed tomography showed engorgement of bilateral cavernous sinuses and superior ophthalmic veins. Carotid angiogram confirmed the evidence of right TCCF.

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提出以X射线血管造影图像序列作为数据源,结合心脏解剖和运动的先验知识,对冠状动脉在心动周期中的运动和变形进行定量估计和定性分析的方法。Dynamic information of cardiac arteries is extracted and interpreted by using data from X-ray angiogram sequences based on apriori knowledge of cardiac motion and anatomy.

血管造影或者血管介入手术中应用大量的造影剂是急性肾功能不全或某些患者出现永久性肾功能不全的一个危险因素。Having an angiogram or a procedure with a large load of contrast dye is a risk factor for developing acute renal insufficiency, or in some cases permanent renal insufficiency.

以冠状动脉血管轴线的三维运动跟踪和心脏的形状建模为例,论述了变形模型在X射线心血管造影图像序列后处理中的应用。The applications of deformable model in the sequential reconstruction of 3D vascular axes and modeling of cardiac global shape from X-ray coronary angiogram sequences are discussed.