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不,他们不满足。No, not satisfied.

但他远远还没有满足。Yet he is far from satisfied.

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他的劝解打消了我的疑虑。His advice satisfied my doubts.

你是个知足常乐的人吗?Are you an easily satisfied man?

杨坚露出了满意的笑容。YangJian gave a satisfied smile.

但是科学家并不满足。But scientists are not satisfied.

我感到这里的一切都令人满意。I felt everything satisfied here.

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云伯也很满意。Uncle Yun is also very satisfied.

这张台您还满意吗?Are you satisfied with this table?

石勒听了很满意。Schleswig listened very satisfied.

我对你的表现很满意。I'm satisfied with you performence.

还不满意的原因是什么呢?The reason to not be satisfied yet?

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只要你满意,我也无憾了。I am content , so you are satisfied.

对他的工作我还算比较满意。I am fairly satisfied with his work.

谢谢,我酒足饭饱了。Thank you, I am perfectly satisfied.

矿工们成群结队地回家了。The satisfied visitors trooped home.

卡勒布身子往后一仰,面带满足的笑颜。Caleb sat back with a satisfied grin.

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我不满意这一例行公事。I wasn’t satisfied with this routine.

我对我财富师满不满意?Am I satisfied with my wealth manager?

横江村居民对此并不满意。Hengjiang residents are not satisfied.