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辐射会发出能量。Radiation is the emission of energy.

理论上预言发光区将随形成时间加宽。The broadening of emission region is predicted.

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最大发射光线的垂直角。Vertical angle of maximum candlepower emission.

但从长时间尺度来看,耕翻将增加农田N_2O排放。For long time scales, it increases N2O emission.

设计了一种新的金刚石场发射阴极工艺。A new type of field emission cathode was devised.

湿梦也被认为是夜间遗精。A wet dream is also known as a nocturnal emission.

富裕国家的减排计划严重脱轨。Rich-country emission cuts dangerously off course.

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辐射星云是一种高温气体云,云中的原子被附近恒星的紫外线激活到高能状态。Emission nebulas are clouds of high temperature gas.

低驱动电流,高强度的光发射。Low Drive Current, High Intensity of Light Emission.

取下排放塞和机油加注盖。Take off emission plug and engine oil filling cover.

测量了它们的激发光谱和发射光谱。Their excitation and emission spectra were measured.

降低发射阈值电压。The emission threshold voltage can thus be decreased.

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更有效地控制在用车的污染物排放。Control emission from in-use vehicles more effectively.

法规是最新推出的控制汽车排放的法规之一。OBD is one of the latest vehicle emission control laws.

欧洲控制氮氧化物的排放以德国较为典型。Germany is typical in Europe in controlling NOx emission.

除此之外,高铁还可以降低汽车的碳排放。Additionally, it can reduce the carbon emission from cars.

可选地,电子发射可以通过热离子装置。Alternately, electron emission may be by thermionic means.

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空气排净的标志是,排气孔中出来的全部都是水。Sign of the net emission of air is vent out all the water.

阳泉矿区瓦斯含量大,涌出量大。Yangquan mining area has high gas content and gas emission.

样品具有较大的吸收和发射截面。The specimens have large absorption and emission cross section.