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多么凄惨的景象!What a sad scene!

可是你似乎很伤心。You seemed so sad.

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现在,托托不伤心了。Tod is not sad now.

她唱着悲伤的歌。She sang a sad song.

可怕,而且很让人悲伤。Horrible,and it's sad.

我实在很不愿意看你难过。I hate to see you sad.

这是一出悲剧。It's a very sad opera.

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林莉感到非常伤心。Lin Li feels very sad.

那则消息使他哀痛。The news made him sad.

王林非常沮丧。Wang Lin was very sad.

好困惑,好难过。Good puzzles, good sad.

他为人和蔼而忧郁。He was affable and sad.

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这是一个哀婉的爱情故事。It is a sad love story.

让我好难过。Let me really very sad.

悲伤的我泪水涟涟。Sad tears I cannot hold.

他有时很忧悒。Sometimes he's very sad.

听言方丈悲痛流泪。Yet the abbot sad tears.

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莪难过旳时候亇甾哪里。I sad time you are where.

音乐引起了难过的回忆。Music wakes sad memories.

他为何看上去如此凄伤?Why is he looking so sad?