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第五,我坚定不移地反对政府检查制度。Fifth, I am unalterably opposed to governmental censorship.

建筑现场经常有政府官员前来视察。The construction site was often visited by governmental officials.

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特区政府领导人可由选举或任命产生。Leaders of these governmental entities may be elected or appointed.

公共卫生行业是一个面向公众的政府事业。The public health is a governmental vocation that faces the public.

总统为匡正政府弊端而做的努力颇有成效。The president's attempt to correct governmental abuses is successful.

企业控制的媒体又在散布政府的不良信息了!Corporatecontrolled media spreading governmental mis-information again !

政府部门的失职,直接导致了五湖大酒店的毁灭。Governmental neglect of duty led directly to the destruction of the hotel.

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第二章探讨国民政府的战时教育救助体制。The second chapter probes into the governmental educational salvage system.

政府非税收入是政府财政收入的重要组成部分。Governmental none-tax revenue is one important part of governmental incomes.

为了提高政府部门的工作效率,咱们必需与权要风纪作斗争。We must fight against the bureaucracy in order to improve governmental work.

它也赋于最高法院对有争议的政府行动的最后裁决权。It also gave the Court the last word about controversial governmental action.

这也同样适用于政府机构和非政府组织。This applies to governmental agencies and non-governmental organisations alike.

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美国是当今世界上城市政府管理体制多样化的国家。America is a nation with varied urban governmental management systems in the world.

我们的慈善机构向政府和私人企业募款。Our charity solicits funds from both governmental agencies and private enterprises.

为政者最大的问题是,老百姓对政府的承诺缺乏信心。The biggest problem of governor is that people lacks trust in governmental promise.

必须认识到,大部分的政府权力仍然维系于民族国家。It must recognize that most governmental authority still resides with nation-states.

主要讨论了政府征税行为对创业企业的影响。The impact of governmental taxation to the starting-up companies is mainly discussed.

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据报道政府军成功地粉碎了一起武装政变。It is reported that the governmental troops have successfully squelched an armed coup.

最初的堡垒稳步扩张,直到它开始主掌政府事务处理。The original fortress expanded steadily until it started to host governmental affairs.

一个相关的议题涉及政府当局搜查媒体办公室的权力。A related issue involves the power of governmental authorities to search media offices.