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避免激素取代疗法。Avoid HRT.

忌饮汽水。Avoid soda.

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避免他们。Avoid them.

不要说闲话。Avoid gossip.

避免吃海鲜。Avoid seafood.

避免静态。Avoid statics.

避免发送垃圾邮件。Avoid spamming.

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的5.回避微妙话题。Avoid subtlety.

避免含糊。Avoid ambiguity.

避免自助餐。Avoid the buffet.

我们能否避免做噩梦?Can we avoid them?

切忌冲动购物。Avoid impulse buys.

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避免过度运动。Avoid overexertion.

不要是强力皂。Avoid strong soaps.

避免现金垫款。Avoid cash advances.

避免红色和黑色。Avoid red and black.

避免使用抗组胺药。Avoid antihistamines.

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避免一个项目清单。Avoid one-item lists.

他似乎逃避了这个问题。He seems to avoid it.

避免“喜欢”和“嗯”。Avoid "like" and "um."