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海藻净化的新系统现在已经在技术上可行了。The system is practicable now.

生产计划要订得落实。Production plans must be practicable.

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我们认为万全之策是切实可行的。We hold a sure card to be practicable.

技术上,这项计划是可行的。Technologically, the project is practicable.

这是一种有效的曲线光顺方法。And it is a practicable method for fairing curves.

该方法设计简单,制作方便,且精样板精度高,实用性强。The shell's sample plate is accurate and practicable.

杰克没有很好思考过的筹款的计划是不可行的。Jack's harebrained scheme for raising money is not practicable.

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没有切实可行的办法让所有人都一直参与其中。There was no practicable way to involve all of us, all the time.

“学案导学”教学模式在中学数学教学中是可行的。So this model is practicable in the middle school maths teaching.

我们必须制定一项切实可行的计划以使我们的国家复兴起来。We must work out a practicable plan for resuscitating our country.

这样就会使金币标准可操作了因为不会引起通货紧缩。That would make a gold standard practicable and not too deflationary.

你提的建议比小吴提的要切实可行。The suggestion you made is more practicable than the one Xiao Wu made.

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调查的结论是这个方案是可行的。The investigation led up to the conclusion that the plan was practicable.

另一个可行的政策,就是建立水源使用权利的交易制度。A more practicable alternative is a system of tradable water-usage rights.

经计算机模拟验证,此算法确实可行可靠。The simulation of computer shows the algorithm is reliable and practicable.

结果表示,我们的BAB-BB演算法确实可行并有适度的求解效率。Results show that our BAB-BB algorithm is practicable and of high efficiency.

只要是行得通的,法定的生病的费用和保险金象平时一样被支付Statutory sick pay and benefits will be paid as usual, "as far as practicable".

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用静态开路电势来评价金属氧化物电极的稳定性是可行的。Static open-circuit potential is practicable for metallic oxide anode stability.

用冠层温度反映冠层含水率具有较高的可靠性。It was practicable for using canopy temperature to judge the canopy water content.

MUMU软质保护套人性化的设计,方便,实用,不影响您的正常操作。MUMU soft protective cover is convenient and practicable with humanization design.