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于是,他被称为牛仔。So he was called a cowherd.

成为你的牧牛者和奴仆吧。Become Thy cowherd and Thy slave.

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当时是韩信用牛皮做一只风筝。Han Xin made a kite with cowherd.

在此同时,高翔接手了一桩牛郎被害的案件。Cowherd took a pile at the same time, in the murder case.

牛郎看到哭泣的织女就把她带回家。The cowherd saw this and offered to take her to his house.

能堪重负吗。其时躲在芦苇西的牛郎蓦地跑进去拿走了织女的衣裳。Then suddenly the cowherd hidden in the reeds ran away the clothes.

玉帝不慌不忙的走入水中,抓住牛郎。The Jade Emperor deliberately walked into the river, and clutched Cowherd.

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然而我们终在无意之间发现了天狗星和牛郎。And yet the Heavenly Dog and the Cowherd are perceived by us by an accident.

织女定睛一看,才知道牛郎便是自己日思夜想的牵牛,便含羞答应了他。Weaver began to see, know the cowherd is his want of Petunia, then to promise him.

该传说是在唐以前牵牛织女神话的基型上衍化而成。The legend derives from the myth about Cowherd and Weaver Girl before Dang Dynasty.

这一天的晚上,织女星和牛郎星就在日本的天空“相会”了。On this night, the Weaver Star and the Cowherd Star "meet" in the skies above Japan.

以无边的星光作你的前导呵,牛郎织女星在你的身旁?Using the boundless star light as the leader, cowherd boy and vega are besides of you?

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牧牛童跟在祂的后面,歌唱着祂的荣耀,这种荣耀净化整个世界。The cowherd boys followed behind Him singing His glories which purify the entire world.

主奎师那在牧牛童的陪伴下走进迷人的温达文森林。Accompanied by His cowherd boyfriends, Sri Krsna entered the charming forest of Vrndavana.

放牛吃草一整天之后,牧牛者在黄昏时把牠们还给主人。After grazing the cattle all day long, the cowherd returns them to the owner in the evening.

我看到它们都踏入浅滩上,还有一些牧童带着他们的牛横渡河流。I saw them fording the river. Then came some cowherd boys crossing the river with their cows.

如果牛郎能够偷她们中一个人的衣服,那个姑娘就会留下成为他的妻子。If the cowherd stole one of their clothes, she would be unable to escape and become his wife.

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两人结婚后,牛郎耕田种地,织女纺线织衣,恩恩爱爱。After their marriage, the Cowherd ploughed and the Girl Weaver wove and they loved each other.

第七个女儿被迫迁移到恒星的牛郎织女星和移动到星牛郎星。The 7th daughter was forced to move to the star Vega and the cowherd moved to the star Altair.

牛郎拼命的游,却忘了自己是旱鸭子,就在河道旁溺水了……Cowherd was hellbent for swim, but he forgot that he couldn't swim. He drowned in the riverside.