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他们的信仰接受考验。Their faith was tested.

今天,我们在经受考验。Today, we are being tested.

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我们测试了两次,他喝醉了。We tested twice, he is drunk.

通过UL测试为15万循环测试。Tested by UL for 150k cycle test.

测试操舵设备,状态良好。Tested helm. Found in good order.

供试污泥呈酸性。The tested sewage sludge is acid.

他们已经测试了新机器。They have tested the new machine.

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他们用鸡翅做了一个实验。They tested it with chicken wings.

关于我们有没有测试足够多的输入?Have we tested it on enough inputs?

这样他们就不能进行测试。So they would not have been tested.

从创世纪开始考起吗?Will you be tested from Genesis on?

你充分检验了这个新理论了吗?Have you tested out this new theory?

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“可发布”意味着已完成集成测试。Releasable means integration tested.

她考验她男朋友的诚实。She tested her boy friend's honesty.

它们都应该测试显阳性的。They all would have tested positive.

我们已经在多个作弊软件上试验过C-D。We have tested many cheats with C-D.

同时也对“倒U理论”进行检验。Also the "Counter-U Theory" is tested.

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但是怎么才能证明这一假设?But how can this hypothesis be tested?

测试每组部分试片的粗糙度。Roughness were tested for every group.

他们测试了从蓝藻中得到的褐藻胶。They tested alginate from brown algae.