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本论文研究中使用的计算程序是以密度泛函为基础的离散变分方法。Compute program used in this paper is DVM based on density function.

一个简单廉价的隔离反激式电源为DVM模块供电。A simple, low-cost, isolated flyback power supply energizes a DVM module.

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DVM模块使用器件少,可使用有现货供应的器件实现。DVM modules also have low parts count, and you can implement them using off-the-shelf components.

DVM系统是一个基于数据并行的并行程序模型,因其良好的特性而受到越来越多的关注。As a kind of data paralleling model, DVM system gets more and more concern for it's excellent characteristic.

数字式电压表通常有10兆欧的输入阻抗。当测量高阻抗电路时﹐可能会有影响。DVM usually got an input impedance of 10 Mohm. There may be loading effect when measuring high impedance circuit.

数字式电压表在测量低于20欧姆的电阻时﹐会因为引脚的电阻而使测量不准确。除非它是一个四线欧姆表。DVM is not accurate in measuring resistance below 20 ohm due to the lead resistance, unless it is a 4 wired ohm meter.

整体系统采用单片机控制和DVM显示,同时对激光器进行一系列的电路保护。The drive not only uses single-chip microcomputer control and DVM display, but also uses a series circuit protection for laser.

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本文设计了一个基于DVM系统的并行程序设计图形可视化系统。In this paper, based on DVM system, a visual parallel program developing system is designed, which offers a visual developing environment.

本文分析了双斜原理在实现高分辨率、高精度DVM中所存在的主要矛盾。In this paper, the principal points of diffculty for realizing high resolution and high accuracy DVM using dual slope technique are analyzed.

主要介绍采用“数表法”检定指针式电压表示值的误差分析及测量的不确定度的计算。The article mainly introduces the error analysis, calculation of uncertainty in measuring the error of indication of needle DC voltmeter by DVM.

对于电阻的测量﹐数字式电压表会送出一个小电流并且测量表笔两端的电压﹐因此电阻的引脚电阻也被包含在内。For resistance measurement, the DVM will pump out a small current and measure the voltage across the 2 terminals, so the resistance of the 2 lead is included.

本文建立了数码涡旋多联式空调系统夏季运行状况和能耗特性的实验测试和数据采集系统。The experimental and data collection system for the research on the working principle and energy cost characteristic of the DVM system in summer is established.

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在集中介绍离散涡方法的概念后,提出在高雷诺数流动情况下的一种简化流动模型—基于奇点法的离散涡模型。After concentrated introduction of the conception of DVM, a simplified numerical model is proposed under high Renold number which is a DVM model combined singularity method.