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人类是唯一能笑的动物。Man is the only risible animal.

这可真是一种缘分,我们都是那么的爱笑。It is fate that we are all the girls of risible.

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明天我又是一个爱说爱笑的小男子汉。I will be a love says risible young man tomorrow.

当然,倪萍对“大牛”又乖又爱笑的表现非常喜爱。Of course, ni Ping is right " big ox " good risible expression special love.

从火星消退的冰状极冠可以看出它季节性的温度波动。Its seasonal temperature fluctuations are risible in its ever growing and receding polar ice capes.

亚洲大陆将在不久的将来取代美国、欧洲和日本的观点是很可笑的。The notion that mainland Asia is about to supplant the US, EU and Japan in the near future is risible.

同时他还一再保证,虽然仓促,但是对美林公司的账户清查非常严格。这在现在看起来也实在可笑。And reassurances that the due diligence performed on Merrill's books had been rigorous, despite the rush, look risible.

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但他知道,记住那些危及文明的坏人也同样是一群可笑的蠢人,这一点极其重要。But he knew it was vital to remember that the evil men who were jeopardising civilisation were also risible little twerps.

玛丽娜.克里洛夫娜提到的隐秘的动机,在某种程度上说是荒谬的,她认为这是玛丽娜想都无法想到的,尤其是远大志向。The suggestion of some ulterior motive for the affair, particularly ambition, was risible in a way that the widow could not have imagined.

由于各个部落继续以更大的热忱追求自己的利益,跨国组织的理想主义言论将变得更加可笑。As tribes continue to pursue their own interests ever more zealously, the idealistic rhetoric of multinational organizations will become ever more risible.

在绿街中搞笑或是在美丽心灵的永恒阳光中变得很怪异又或者在罪恶之城中让人胆寒的杀人如麻。Setting the risible Green Street to one side, he’s been creepy in Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind and downright terrifying as Sin City’s murderous Kevin.

虽然这三大法则可能过于简化,抹煞了对尖端研究进行道德讨论时产生的丰富细节,但它们确实可削减对进步的滑稽恐惧。Although such simplifications risk erasing the rich nuances found in ethical debates over pioneering research, they do aid in attenuating risible fears often associated with such advances.