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精算师是干什么的?What is an Actuary?

30岁,在北京的一家财会公司做精算师。Vicky Yang, 30, is an actuary at an accounting firm in Beijing.

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要成为精算师需要通过各种严格的系列考试。Becoming an Actuary requires passing a rigorous serried of exams.

Vicky是一家咨询公司的精算员,要在今晚把一个项目结束了。An actuary at a consulting firm, Vicky needs to close a project tonight.

精算师是现代职业的一种,工作是分析风险的财务结果。An actuary is a business professional who analyzes the financial consequences of risk.

正如CMS保险统计专家指出的那样,ACA将增加国民卫生保健开支。And, as the CMS actuary points out, the ACA will increase national health care expenditures.

她是一个有目标的29岁的精算师,很少微笑,爱参加聚会胜过做任何事。She's a purposeful, 29-year-old actuary who rarely smiles but loves nothing better than a party.

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精算师是处理风险及不确定性的金融风险的商业性职业。An actuary is a business professional who deals with the financial impact of risk and uncertainty.

去年,精算师排在数学家之后,位列第二大最理想的职业,最糟糕的职业是伐木工人。Last year, actuary placed second and mathematician first, while lumberjack ranked as the worst job.

运用精算学原理预测基金收支平衡,涉及人口预测、个人账户预测、基金收入和支出预测、收支缺口预测等。Forecast for the funds payment balance with actuary principle encompass population, personal account, funds payment and gap forecast.

我在珠海人民保险公司当保险统计员已三年多,积累了丰富的经验。I have been an actuary with Zhuhai People's Insurance for over three years. I have had three years of varied experience in insurance.

对于非比例分保,还需提交精算责任人签署的或第三方提供的定价报告。As for a non-proportional insurance, a pricing report signed by a responsible actuary or provided by a third party shall be submitted.

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而且,在前面两种模型中,给出了鞅方法定价公式和保险精算方法定价公式两者之间的关系。Further more, in first two models, we obtain the relation between the martingale pricing formulas and the insurance actuary pricing formulas.

他们更可能做保险员,注册会计师,或是保险代理人,因为这样的人更容易把握事情胜负的几率,以及时有效地找到补救之法。He is more likely to think like an actuary or a CPA or an insurance agent, always calculating the odds and finding ways to cover the damages.

不久后的一天你也许发现自己独到一份成长最快,收入最高的职业列表,尽力把自己想象成一位精算师。One day soon you might find yourself perusing a list of the fastest-growing, best-paying professions, trying to picture yourself as an actuary.

美国年金精算协会是唯一的专注与年金领域的保险统计组织。We still address the needs of the pension actuary , however. In fact, ASPA is the only actuarial organization dedicated solely to the pension field.

申请国税局和养老金福利担保公司的一些养老金需要注册精算师的签字。Some pension-related filings to the Internal Revenue Service and the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation require the signature of an Enrolled Actuary.

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保险精算师在计算保险费时一定要确认精确性,考虑到所有的可能性并选题所有必要的因素。An insurance actuary must take care to be exact when calculating premiums, allowing for all possibilities and taking all necessary factors into account.

清算组应当委托中国保监会认可的会计师事务所、精算师事务所、律师事务所,对公司债权债务和资产进行评估。The liquidating group shall entrust certified accountant firms, actuary firms and law firms for the evaluation of the credits, debts and assets of the company.

最后,我们将学习怎样利用统计数据的优势。如果只是了解各种潜在结果到底可不可能,你用不着成为精算师。Finally we'll learn how to use statistics to our advantage. You don't have to be an actuary to understand just how likely various potential outcomes actually are.