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婴儿和幼儿的三角肌很小。The deltoid muscle is small in infants and young children.

三角韧带在应力作用下,足部旋前。The deltoid ligament is under stress when the foot is pronated.

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度三角韧带断裂或内踝撕脱骨折。Stage I. Rupture of deltoid ligament or avulsion of medial malleolus.

在固定不动的星状线内,有一个最大的三角线在其间滚动。Show how a deltoid of maximal size slides inside a stationary astroid.

画出三角线两条正交的切线段,它们的交点在那里?Construct two mutually orthogonal tangents of the deltoid. Where do they meet?

度内踝的横行骨折或三角韧带断裂。Stage I. Transverse fracture of medial malleolus or rupture of deltoid ligament.

每月维持剂量可以注射在三角肌或臀肌。Monthly maintenance doses can be administered in either the deltoid or gluteal muscle.

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他伸手取茶壶时,右肩的三角肌突然钻心般地疼了一下。When he reached for the teapot, a stab of pain shot through the deltoid in his right arm.

内侧踝穴的增宽表明存在三角韧带撕裂。Widening of the medial ankle mortise establishes the presence of a deltoid ligament tear.

剥离、牵开骨膜,显露内踝,但保留三角韧带。Expose the medial malleolus by reflecting the periosteum but preserve the deltoid ligament.

三十年后,另一支研究团队研究了人类行走时三角肌的肌电活动。Three decades later, another team recorded electrical activity in deltoid muscles as people walked.

累及的肌肉主要是斜方肌、三角肌和肱桡肌,肱二头肌次之。Mainly involved were muscles of trapezium, deltoid and brachioradialis but biceps was relatively less.

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跗骨管动脉通常比三角支和跗骨窦动脉都来得细小。Generally, the tarsal canal artery was somewhat smaller than the deltoid branch and the tarsal sinus artery.

我们所知道的是,在肩部手术后,还没有报道过三角肌间室综合症。To our knowledge, there are no reported cases of deltoid compartment syndrome after surgery on the shoulder.

三角肌的前提的是拳击运动这对于改善性和防御性攻击的力量耐力的关键。The front deltoid raise is a boxing exercise that's crucial for improving punching power and defensive endurance.

外侧降支下行分布于肱骨上段外侧面三角肌前部所覆盖区。Lateral descending branch distributes to the area of proximal lateral humerus covered by the anterior part of deltoid muscle.

他被发现又前方三角肌间室综合症,给予了急诊筋膜切开,没有严重并发症。He was found to have an anterior deltoid compartment syndrome and was treated with emergency fasciotomy with no adverse sequelae.

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在这个病例中,患者在顺行髓内钉治疗节段肱骨骨折3小时后出现剧烈的三角肌前方疼痛。In this case, the patient developed a tense painful anterior deltoid 3 hours after antegrade nailing of a segmental humerus fracture.

在臂后伸或前屈过程中,力臂变化最大的分别为后部三角肌或前部三角肌。The moment arm of the posterior deltoid was the largest during the humerus extension, and it was the anterior deltoid during flexion.

肩关节可有广泛压痛,并向颈部及肘部放射,还可出现不同程度的三角肌的萎缩。It may have a wide range of shoulder tenderness and spread to neck and elbows, but also shows different degrees of deltoid muscle atrophy.