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可以形成单边指向性,翩及水听器成阵后的左右模糊问题。And the AVS can have the directivity of one side.

那种天线可接受没有方向性的信号。The antenna received signals with no directivity.

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后来又发现了磁石的指向性。Then they discovered that the directivity of the magnet.

黑蝉鸣声的波形结构无明显的方向性。No obvious directivity occurs in the songs of black cicada.

如何得到需要的频率响应与指向性图案?How to get the desired frequency response and directivity pattern?

文章给出了N个嵌套线列阵的宽频带恒定束宽的方向性图。The paper shows directivity pattern of N-octaves constant beamwidth.

推导出了此类换能器的远场指向性和近场声压的表达式。The eXpression of directivity of far field and near field was derived.

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这种方向性由于电源密封式是很难显而易见。Its directivity is hardly noticeable due to the closeness of the sources.

模拟结果表明,天线阵的方向性以及增益都得到了加强。Simulated results show that the directivity and the gain of the array are improved.

破裂方向效应是由破裂传播和辐射图效应引起的。The rupture directivity effect is due to rupture propagation and radiation pattern effects.

毫米波介质透镜天线是一种高方向性的口径天线。Millimeter-wave dielectric lens antenna is a kind of aperture antenna with high directivity.

文章还提出了多种矢量水听器指向性锐化的方法,通过这些方法在低频形成恒定束宽窄指向性。Several methods of sharp a narrow beamwidth is presented and used to form a narrow directivity.

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这些结果对发展高方向性、可实用化的新型天线具有重要意义。These are important for developing new antennas with a high directivity and a high workability.

具有垂直方向指向性的接收基阵对入射声波有方向加权效应。The receptive array with directivity in the vertical plane has weight effect on the incident wave.

然后研究谐振腔天线一些参数的对其频带和方向性的影响。The third part is about the research on the improvement of the directivity of antennas using wire medium.

如果没有一个确切的思路,没有一个指向性的深出可循,那么,得到的反而就少了。If have no a definite train of thought have no a directivity can follow deeply , so get turn over and lose.

不良的设计会导致频率响应不平缓,且频响随空间角度出现较大变化。The poor design of the enclosures could cause the irregularity in frequency responses and directivity patterns.

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本文探讨了在传感器阵的指向性设计中利用振幅束控提高系统定向精度的一种方法。The article studies a method of raising directional precision by amplitude shading in sensor arrays directivity design.

一双的唉阵列的条更长方形的偶极子结构被调查导致一方向性带宽增强。A dual ayer array of strip rectangular dipoles structure is investigated, leading to a directivity bandwidth enhancement.

在同一声波频率以及相同尺寸的情况下,方环活塞声源要比方形活塞声源的远场指向性更尖锐。At the same value of frequency and size, the directivity of quadrate ring piston is sharper than that of quadrate piston.