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他有了一根绳子。He had a rope.

绳索断了。The rope gave way.

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一根绳子有两个头儿。A rope has two ends.

那是一条长绳。That is a long rope.

他把绳子解开。He uncoiled the rope.

握紧绳子别松手。Don't let go the rope.

他突然用力拉绳。He yanked on the rope.

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拴它的绳被割断了。The rope had been cut.

他从绳上攀缘而下。He climbed down a rope.

我只能看见牵狗的绳子。I can only see the rope.

把那根缆绳放松一点。Ease off that rope a bit.

他用绳子上吊。He hung hilf with a rope.

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她猛拉了一下绳子。She gave the rope a yank.

你能顺着绳子爬下去吗?。Can you climb up the rope?

我曾看见一根绳索被挂了起来。I saw a rope being dangled.

把绳子绑成一个宽松的结。Tie the rope in a loose knot.

一根在这里,一根在那里。One rope here, one rope there.

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请把那截短绳儿递给我。Please hand me the short rope.

攀登者用绳子互相系在一起。The climbers were on the rope.

别那么使劲揪绳子。Don't pull so hard at the rope.