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为死神驱使,施展魔鬼的舞技!Driven by Death in a devilish dance!

他英俊漂亮,具有魔鬼般的迷惑力。He was handsome, with a devilish charm.

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他是一个英俊潇洒有着魔鬼般魅力的男人。He is a handsome man with devilish charm.

爬那座山太费劲了。It was devilish hard work climbing the mountain.

我见过的尸体多半面目狰狞。Most of the corpses I have seen looked devilish.

当我骑马穿过峡谷,穿过恶魔般残酷的严寒。As we rode through the canyons, through the devilish cold.

你不能沉寂于特别的诗歌中一旦你了解他们。You can't unhear the devilish lyrics once you know about them.

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普洛斯彼罗指出,他的如同恶魔的自然无法被养育克服。His devilish nature can never be overcome by nurture, according to Prospero.

我不想问你什么鬼使神差,会唆使我们的克劳德干这种可怕的事。Iwillnot ask you what devilish impulse movedyou incite our Claudetodo this awful deed.

两年半后,我那漂亮又爱幻想的儿子长成了一个难缠的小恶魔。Two and a half years later, my beautiful, quixotic son had grown into a devilish handful.

“这腰身太宽了,不过没关系,”他又加上一句,“幸亏他把它留下给我穿,那老杂种!Never mind, " he added, "he did a devilish good thing in leaving it for me, the old scoundrel!

两撇小胡子带出一个凝固的诡异微笑,下面还有一撮略显邪恶的山羊须。And the smile is frozen, set forever, a fixed uncanny moustachioed grin above a devilish goatee beard.

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除了属世俗、属肉体、属情欲和属魔鬼之外的唯一的选择就是那属天的。The only alternative to that which is earthly, carnal, sensual and devilish is that which is heavenly.

事情也来的莫名其妙,每个人都被这种来自何方的“妖气”和西伯利亚“冷气”都镇的软弱无力。All these happened out of the blue. Everyone was overpowered by this devilish air and Siberia cold wind.

乔·克纳普认为这份信是“垃圾一般的魔鬼把戏”,他建议父亲把它交给警戒委员会。It’s “a devilish lot of trash, ” Joe Knapp Jr. told his father and advised him to give it to the committee.

唐望扭曲成邪恶的脸孔说,年轻人宣布他决定要葫芦。Don Juan contorted his face again into a devilish grin and said that the young man declared that he wanted to have the gourds.

安杰尔认为企业赞助的法案会忽视消费者的利益,食品商人也将安杰尔视为令自己忧心忡忡的恶魔。Angell thought business-sponsored bills were too unmindful of the consumer, whereas businessmen thought Angell a devilish alarmist.

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这惊人的视觉变革通过一个恶魔般秘密装置是成功的,细节在下载充分地解释。This amazing visual transformation is accomplished via a devilish gimmick, the details of which are fully explained in the download.

犹如恶魔的灵魂吞噬人类般,被诅咒的人类对血族魔法的抵抗力会急剧减少。Still the devilish soul gobble up mankind's sort, drive the resistibility of mankind to blood clan sorcery for cursing would the nasty play reduce.

一些澳大利亚人单纯过一种丛林流浪生活,横跨国家公园到处都是恐怖的生物,例如树袋熊,宝贝滑翔机和膝盖高的小袋鼠。Some Australians simply go walkabout, traversing national parks filled with such devilish critters as koalas, sugar gliders and knee-high wallabies.