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它拥有500万像素的带闪光灯的摄像头。Include a 5- megapixel camera with flash.

内置的摄像头的分辨率还不到1百万像素。Its built-in camera has resolution of less than one megapixel.

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它含有500万像素照相机所以你可以用它拍摄高品质相片。It has a 5 megapixel camera so it can take high-quality photos.

iPhone也可以拍摄高清视频,但它只配备了500万像素的摄像头。While the iPhone 4 can shoot HD video, it only has a 5 megapixel camera.

另外,对于购买相机的人来说,好消息是相机制造商之间的像素战争基本结束了。Also, fortunately for camera buyers, the megapixel war between camera makers is largely over.

我们虽然从三百万像素升级到五百万像素,但是相机所用的仍然是背照式的感应器。So we've gone from 3 megapixel to 5 megapixel, but we're using a backside illuminated sensor.

G1的320万像素摄像头远超200万像素的iPhone,虽然很多手机都已经有了。The G1's 3.2 megapixel camera outclasses the two megapixel iPhone, though plenty of phones do.

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是否这意味着“像素战”的终结和新的趋势还有待观察。Whether this is minor blip in the megapixel wars or part of a growing trend remains to be seen.

摄像机有一个电机驱动的百万像素变焦镜头,可以完美的与图像传感器匹配。The camera has a motor-driven megapixel varifocal lens that?is?perfectly tuned to the image sensor.

这款手机使用谷歌的Android系统,有侧滑盖迷你键盘,且具有五百万像素的照相功能.The phone, which uses Google's Android software, has a slide-out mini-keyboard and a five megapixel camera.

我们没有可靠的信息,但我们尚未收到有关新的14-15万像素的传感器来源不明的谣言。We have no reliable info yet but we received rumors about a new 14-15 megapixel sensor from unknown sources.

SGH-L760支持3G高速网络,配有200万像素摄像头,蓝牙和UMTS连接。The handset supports 3G high-speed network, equipped with a 2 Megapixel camera, Bluetooth and UMTS connectivity.

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700万像素的FE-270有3倍光学变焦,2.5英寸的液晶显示屏和5厘米最近对焦距离。Olympus FE-270 is a 7 Megapixel camera and it features 3x optical zoom, a 2.5-inch LCD display, 5cm supermacro mode.

这款手机配备有3.7英寸的显示屏,13.2兆像素的摄像头,32G的内置硬盘,并且可以防水。The device will include a 3.7” LCD display, a 13.2 megapixel camera, 32GB of internal memory and will be waterproof.

在这些条纹绕着手指扫描时,一台140万像素的相机自动拍摄它们的图像,其分辨率大约是每英寸1000个像素。A 1.4 megapixel camera automatically captures images of the lines as they wrap around the finger, at roughly 1,000 pixels per inch.

N96更薄但是更宽,而且最主要的功能是不同的,比如GPS,500万像素摄像头等等。The N96 is slightly thinner but wider. And then there are major functional differences such as storage, GPS, 5 megapixel camera etc.

此外,该相机可以拍摄8.3万像素的静止图像,同时录制全高清视频清晰,高品质的静止图像录制的视频。In addition, the camera can shoot 8.3 megapixel stills while recording Full HD video for clear, high-quality still images from recorded video.

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710万像素的FE-290有4倍广角光学变焦,3英寸液晶显示屏,5厘米最近对焦距离,以及很高的感光度。Olympus FE-290 features a 7.1 Megapixel CCD image sensor, 4x wide optical zoom, a 3.0-inch LCD display, 5cm supermacro mode and a high ISO rating.

当然,也很高兴这款手机有3.5mm耳机孔,也不意外手机背面有个500万像素的数位相机。We commend the inclusion of a 3.5mm headphone jack on the top of the phone, and there's a usable, if not spectacular, 5 megapixel camera on the back.

SX100拥有800万象素,10倍光学变焦,4倍数码变焦以及2.5英寸的液晶屏,ISO感光度最高可达1600。SX100 is a 8 Megapixel camera with 10x optical zoom, 4x digital zoom, Optical Image Stabilizer System, ISO rating up to 1600 and a 2.5-inch LCD display.