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这就是所谓的蠕动。This is called peristalsis.

它的特点是肠蠕动恢复。It is characterized by a return of peristalsis.

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食管本体的蠕动受迷走神经支配。Peristalsis in the body of the esophagus is under vagal control.

这样可以帮助胃蠕动以便把肚子里的食物消化干净。This will help to gastric peristalsis of the stomach to digest food clean.

目的观察西沙比利对结肠术后肠运动功能的影响。Objective To observe the effect of Cisapride on postoperative colonic peristalsis.

这种肌肉舒张和收缩的有节律波动称为蠕动。These rhythmic waves of muscular relaxation and contraction are called peristalsis.

在肠易激综合征肠蠕动,是更强大和更频繁的较正常。In the irritable bowel syndrome peristalsis is stronger and more frequent than normal.

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蠕动功能也会随之减弱,吃下去的食物自然难以得到消化。Peristalsis will also weakens, continue to eat food natural hard to get the digestion.

目的观察异丙酚对小白鼠胃肠蠕动功能的影响。Objective To observe the influence of propofol on gastrointestinal peristalsis in mice.

刺激肠蠕动、帮助消化,有水果不能代替的功能。Stimulate peristalsis and help digestion , it can not replace the function of the fruit.

这种感觉其实是所造成的收缩你的肌肉,这是所谓的蠕动。This feeling is actually caused by the contraction of your muscles which is called peristalsis.

对大鼠胃酸分泌和小鼠胃肠蠕动未见明显影响。LKP didn't influence the secretion of gastric acid in rats and gastrointestinal peristalsis in mice.

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结论杏仁液有明显的止咳作用和增强大肠蠕动的作用。Conclusion Prunus armeniaca L can evidently relieve cough and improve the peristalsis of the large intestine.

而交感神经一旦开始亢奋,肠胃蠕动也会随之减退,并使得食欲不振。Once the sympathetic nerves are excited, intestinal peristalsis slows down and there is a decrease in appetite.

蠕动将食物推到胃,食道下端的下括约肌松弛,然后关闭以防止反流。As peristalsis pushes food to the stomach, the lower esophageal sphincter opens and then closes to prevent reflux.

RB02蠕动泵是通过旋转的滚柱使胶管蠕动来输送液体的。RB02 peristaltic pump can transfer the materiel through liquid now with the pressure of peristalsis by gyred roller.

RB12B蠕动泵是通过旋转的滚柱使胶管蠕动来输送液体的。RB12B peristaltic pump can transfer the materiel through liquid now with the pressure of peristalsis by gyred roller.

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RB12FB蠕动泵是通过旋转的滚柱使胶管蠕动来输送液体的。RB12FB peristaltic pump can transfer the materiel through liquid now with the pressure of peristalsis by gyred roller.

巨食道症是发生在人类和犬类中的食管蠕动能力丧失并增大的一种疾病。Megaesophagus is a condition in humans and dogs where peristalsis fails to occur properly and the esophagus is enlarged.

RB系列蠕动泵是通过旋转的滚柱使胶管蠕动来输送液体的。RB Series peristaltic pump can transfer the materiel through liquid now with the pressure of peristalsis by gyred roller.