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舒畅地穿梭在你的清波。Joyfully swimming in your clear waves.

百灵鸟儿在空中欢快啁啾哟。When the lark in the sky sings joyfully.

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所以,擦干你的眼泪准备享受这里幸福的生活吧。So dry your tears and face life joyfully.

大地美美地细嚼着未来的丰收。The earth chews the future harvest joyfully.

你听过刽子手得意的歌唱。You've heard the executioners sing joyfully.

与此同时,老卡罗高兴地吠叫起来。At the same moment old Carlo barked joyfully.

在最初的几周里,她干得很高兴。During these first weeks she slaved joyfully.

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“快乐地探索”意思是成为一个探索者。“To joyfully explore” means to be an explorer.

燕鸥快乐地伴着海风飞来。Terns came flying joyfully with the ocean breeze.

法厄同怀着喜悦的心情跳上战车出发了。Phaeton joyfully jumped on the carriage and set off.

“这就是青铜戒指,这就是法宝!”他们满心喜悦地叫喊起来。It is the bronze ring! It is the talisman ! They cried joyfully.

我们将快乐地告诉对方过去发生的一切。We shall joyfully tell one another everything that has happened.

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当莱维琳打猎回家,杰乐欢快地在他身边又跑又跳地欢迎主人的归来。When Llewlyn came home, Gelert joyfully ran and jumped to meet him.

当我们的心快乐时,花在笑,云也在笑。When we are happy , we see flowers smiling and clouds grinning joyfully.

她伸出爱的双臂,高兴地走向那西塞斯。Joyfully coming down towards Narcissus, she stretched out her loving arms.

现在,他已经和黛比快乐地结合了。Twycross found a male tapir in Bristol, and he and Debbie are joyfully united.

特怀克罗斯动物园在布里斯托找到了一只公貘。现在,他已经和黛比快乐地结合了。Twycross found a male tapir in Bristol, and he and Debbie are joyfully united.

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多布朗卡摘了一大束紫罗兰,感谢了十二月之后开心地跑回了家。Dobrunka gathered a large bouquet, thanked the Twelve Months, and joyfully ran home.

他会高兴地整天背著我,因为我又小又轻,不会成为负担。There He will joyfully carry me all day long, for I am little and light—no burden to Him.

一切都象刚睡醒的样子,欣欣然张开了眼。All look like the appearance which just awoke, joyfully opened joyful enlarged ones vision.