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此时斯图尔特灵光一闪。Then Stewart had a brainwave.

只是戴上耳机,让陷波器调谐器开启你的。Just put on the earphones and let BrainWave Tuner turn you on.

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当时,工程师埃贾兹·胡克正在通过显微镜向他展示一些异乎寻常的太空应用小工具。He had a brainwave when engineer Ejaz Huq showed him some unusual space gadgets through a microscope.

他灵机一动决定炸掉他们的军火库这样谁都用不了才能皆大欢喜。He has a brainwave decided to blow up their arsenals in this way can everyone in alls well that ends well.

这台仪器分析脑电波的活动模式,并把它们转换成电脑屏幕上的活动图像。The device studies patterns of brainwave activity and turns them into a moving image on a computer screen.

有人望着金花和银花俩姐妹,灵机一动说“干脆就叫金银花吧!At the moment, someone look at the two sisters, golden flower and honeysuckle flower, and have a brainwave.

你能够通过冥想或是利用诸如脑波音频这样的外部刺激让脑波进行运作。You can work with your brainwaves through meditation or by using an external stimulus such as brainwave audios.

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通过CD和录音带,脑电波科技会调制你的脑电波。Through CDs and audiotapes, brainwave technology will make use of tools that will help condition your brainwaves.

参与者选中作为主要袭击对象的城市名称,会引发最大量的P300脑电波反应。The city that study participants chose for the major terrorist attack evoked the largest P300 brainwave responses.

你所听到的解码信号就是巴别鱼向你的思想提供的脑电波矩阵。The speech patterns you actually hear decode the brainwave matrix which has been fed into your mind by your Babel fish.

但重复三次出现的正确的脑电波模式显示出他们对于这些指令是有意识的,并且能够作出回应。Three produced repeated and appropriate brainwave patterns which showed they were aware of the commands and able to respond to them.

在成年人身上的实验证实了人们会各自发出一种指纹般独一无二的脑电波。The work lends a new level of support to the idea, already observed in adults, that people produce a kind of brainwave "fingerprint."

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思考这些声音的时候会产生脑电波,人机接口将这些脑电波识别出来,转换以后显示到电脑屏幕上。The act of thinking about those sounds created brainwave patterns that the interfaces identified and transmitted to a computer screen.

他们观察了整个脑电波的范围,从0.05赫兹一直到125赫兹,穿过大脑200个不同的区域。They looked at the entire range of brainwave frequencies, from 0.05 hertz all the way up to 125 hertz, across 200 different regions of the brain.

观察组配合脑波治疗,根据患者症状选择操作程序。Patients in treatment group were treated by risperdal and brainwave treatment, and those in control group were treated only by risperdal for 8 weeks.

通过冥想或是诸如双耳节拍这样的脑波音频,我们能够绕过意识直接作用于潜意识思想。By meditating or using brainwave audios such as binaural beats you are able to bypass the conscious mind and work directly with the subconscious mind.

是否存在某种固有的脑电波信号的特质,即使在经历巨大的发展变化后仍被维持的核心品质?"Is there some inherent quality of the brainwave signal that is a core quality that is sustained, even in the face of these large developmental changes?

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自2000年开始,谷歌公司在愚人节拿用户“开涮”,那一年,谷歌告诉每位用户只要坐在电脑前,公司就可以扫描到他们的脑电波活动,以及其它的活动。In 2000, Google began the tradition by telling everyone to sit in front of their computer so that Google could scan their brainwave activity, among other things.

然而目前,已经建立的理论是个体展现的脑电波图像足够强烈,可以不被青春期的心理波动影响。For now, however, what's better established is that the individual brainwave patterns people exhibit are strong enough to remain unperturbed by the tumult of adolescence.

我觉得她可能想要再从别的医生那得到意见,另外一个重点是有些人应当检查然后确认脑电波机器已经在宣传了。I think she might want to start getting second opinions from other doctors. Another important tip –somebody should check to make sure that brainwave machine is plugged in.