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顾客,坐在酒吧与女服务员,是未受伤害的。The customer, sitting at the bar with the waitress, was uninjured.

下肢力线的恢复以健侧为参照标准。The restoration standard was in accordance with the uninjured side limb.

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即使没有受伤的人,他们也好几天都丧失了斗志。Even if they were uninjured their fighting spirit was shattered for days.

这些细胞真的聪明、令人惊讶地知道未受伤害的眼睛里不进行任何动作。The cells are really smart, and amazingly, knew not to do anything in uninjured eyes.

目的观察神经端侧吻合后未受损神经纤维侧支再生的情况。Objective To observe collateral regeneration of uninjured nerve fiber after end-to-side neurorraphy.

经过快速的化验,这两个美国人的血型都与小女孩不匹配,幸而有好几名未受伤的孤儿的血型都符合要求。A quick test showed that neither American had the correct type, but several of the uninjured orphans did.

红军球迷们唯一关心的是他们的英雄能否毫发无损的从这些比赛中归来。The only thing Reds are really interested in is seeing their stars come home uninjured from these matches.

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麦克纳利说,在撞击事件发生之前,另外两名参加家庭聚会的成员出去散步了。Two more people in the family party had gone out for a walk before the crash and were uninjured , McNally said.

听证会很快继续进行,默多克没有受伤,在袭击事件后直到听证会结束都穿着衬衫。The hearing soon reconvened, with an uninjured Rupert Murdoch concluding the session in shirt sleeves after the attack.

在矿工们抬着他穿过停车场时,他伸出未受伤的那只手,碰了碰拯救他的矿工们。As the miners carried him through the parking lot, he reached out with his uninjured hand to touch the men who had saved him.

相反的,没有受伤的对照眼在组织培养中并无轴突再生的能力。On the other hand, the retinal explant from the control group of uninjured eye does not regenerate neurite In tissue culture.

警察和急救人员迅速登上飞机,逮捕这名33岁的女子,并转移了六名未受伤的乘客。Police and emergency crews immediately boarded the plane to arrest the 33-year-old woman and evacuate the six uninjured passengers.

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结论CT检查是诊断DAI有效非创伤性方法,典型临床及CT表现是诊断DAI的依据。Conclusion CT was an effective uninjured diagnosis way of DAI. The typical clinic and CT manifestation were the diagnostic base for DAI.

哈利把邓布利多那只没有受伤的手臂拉过来搭在自己的肩膀上,他承受着校长的大部分重量,沿着湖边往回走。And pulling Dumbledore's uninjured arm around his shoulders, Harry guided his headmaster back around the lake, bearing most of his weight.

患者均单独接受检查,损伤侧肢体的术后平均等张腘绳肌力将与对侧未损伤肢体进行对比研究。Patients were independently reviewed, and the mean postoperative isotonic hamstring strength was compared with that on the uninjured side.

再造耳廓大小、外形与健侧相似,医患双方满意。Reconstructed ear auricles were similar with uninjured sides in size and form, both doctors and patients were contented with the auricles.

弟弟认为,一个孤独无助的女孩想要,毫发无伤的穿过这野外的荒原是根本不可能的。According to the Second Brother, it's virtually impossible for a single, helpless maiden to pass uninjured in this wild, surrounding waste.

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新闻报道称官方拦截了附近2号路上的大巴,要求他们把没有受伤的乘客送往布宜诺斯艾利斯。Authorities stopped buses traveling on nearby Route 2 and asked them to take the uninjured train passengers to Buenos Aires, the agency said.

赶邮车的发现一时没有什么其它可做的,于是回到自己的牲口旁边——他的马安然无事。But he was already dead, and, seeing that nothing more could be done immediately, the mail-cart man returned to his own animal, which was uninjured.

生活质量用SF-36的评分结果低于患者未受伤肢体的正常值,但仅仅是身体机能上的显著降低。SF-36 outcomes scores were lower than that of normative data in patients with uninjured limbs but only significantly diminished in physical function.