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买采集仪并进行管理。Buy acquisition and management.

图像的预处理。Image acquisition and pre-processing.

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探讨了数据采集卡设置的两种方法。Set of data acquisition card two ways.

对于此次收购您有什么看法呢?What do you think of this acquisition?

获得一个客户的成本有多大?What’s the cost of customer acquisition?

设计施工一体项目获得的程序是什么?。What is a Design-Build Acquisition Process?

设计并实现数据采集。Designing and implementing data acquisition.

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收购的具体条款并未公布。Terms of the acquisition were not disclosed.

我们什么时候可以看到这笔收购的成果?When will we see the fruits of the acquisition?

负责广东地区土地开发取得。Focus on land acquisition in the Guangdong Area.

你提到去哪儿收到过收购要约。You mentioned that Qunar had acquisition offers.

于心中悟得贞静,于行中习得自我。In the heart of time to get, acquisition of self.

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大量收购纸壳书本。The acquisition of a large number of paper books.

试图收购的靴胡言乱语?Trying to acquisition the abracadabra of ugg boots?

迄今为止,WPP没有对外公布收购金额。So far, WPP has not publicized the acquisition cost.

然后,我们研究了音系单位的习得。Then, we study the acquisition of phonological units.

凭证获取特定于安全机制。Credential acquisition is security mechanism-specific.

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Expedia对艺龙的收购也许就是很好的例子。Expedia’s acquisition of eLong may be a case in point.

慧康公司将承担买壳的费用。Huikang shall bear the cost of acquisition of the shell.

甲骨文的上一个收购对象是电子商务公司ATG。Oracle's last acquisition was of e-commerce company ATG.