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关于星云,他做出了重大发现。And he made an important discovery about nebulae.

你可以在较暗的地区用双筒望远镜看到这两个星云。These nebulae can be seen with binoculars from a dark location.

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一些天文学家认为星云是银河系的一部分。Some astronomers thought nebulae were part of our Milky Way Galaxy.

热恒星嵌在尘埃中即表现为蓝色的反射星云。Hot stars embedded in the dust can be seen as bluish reflection nebulae.

御夫座北部有大量明亮的星团和星云。Brightclusters and nebulae abound in the northern constellation of Auriga.

紧随其后的是中国的另外一台超快速计算机器,名叫星云。Coming in third, yet another ultra fast Chinese computing machine called Nebulae.

许多巴纳德暗星云本身可能就是未来恒星诞生的地点。Many of Barnard's dark nebulae are themselves likely sites of future star formation.

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行星状星云是类似太阳的恒星在星体演化的最后阶段的产物。Planetary nebulae are created by sun-like stars in a final phase of stellar evolution.

星由很热的,密集的气体组成的,星云里的气体是冷的和弥散的。Whie stars are made of very hot, dense gas, the gas in nebulae is cool and spread out.

你可以用它去瞻仰三叶星群和泻湖星群这对出奇美丽的星云。You can use them to see the stunning pair of nebulae known as the Trifid and the Lagoon.

NGC2818是银河系中少数几个位于疏散星团内部的行星状星云之一。NGC 2818 is one of very few planetary nebulae in our galaxy located within an open cluster.

这个行星状星云被认为是一颗类似太阳的恒星正处于生命的最后阶段。Planetary nebulae have long been appreciated as a final phase in the life of a sun-like star.

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我们可以看到代表猎人的腰带上吊着的宝剑的恒星和星云在右下方。Hanging from his belt, the stars and nebulae of the Hunter's sword are visible lower and to the right.

这程序可以解释为何有些星云的形成,似乎奠基于骤然停止的流出物上。This process could explain why some nebulae appear to result from an outflow that came to an abrupt end.

事实上,哈伯揭露了数十个原生行星盘,它们通常在背景星云衬托下显现踪影。In fact, Hubble revealed dozens of protoplanetary disks, or "proplyds, " often silhouetted against nebulae.

国际奥林匹克委员会星云里含有大量的电离气体。The ioc abbreviation tor international olympic committee nebulae contain very large amounts of ionized gas.

在这张布局巧妙的图像中,红色发射星云恰好被并列的反射星云罩上了一圈蓝雾。In this well met scene, the red emission is also juxtaposed with the telltale blue haze of reflection nebulae.

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照片中有猎户的腰带,以及一些知名的星云,还有2.5度长的同步卫星轨道。It shows Orion's belt stars and well-known nebulae along with many 2.5 degree long geostationary satellite trails.

在蓝色星云附近,微小但迷人的微黄色弧状可见物标出了年轻可见恒星南冕座R星的位置。The tiny but intriguing yellowish arc visible near the blue nebulae marks young variable star R Coronae Australis.

星云也许以熟悉的形状被认出而著名,例如形状象那些卷入麻烦的猫。Nebulae are perhaps as famous for being identified with familiar shapes as perhaps cats are for getting into trouble.