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你真是个花心大萝卜。You are a playboy.

你个欢心大萝卜。你最喜欢哪一个啊?You are playboy. Which girl did you like best?

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但首要的一步是,花花公子要去寻找商机。But first, Playboy will go looking for bunnies.

“是我太花心,还是我太不够认真”英文怎么说?。Am I a playboy or am I not too serious about love?

他赌朋友给他丘了一滚花花公子”的绰慌。He has been given a label "playboy" by his friends.

穿得好,说你花心。If you're well dressed, she says you are a playboy.

这一期墨西哥版的花花公子影印了100000份Playboy Mexico printed 100, 000 copies of the issue.

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我朋友模仿花花公子克林顿模仿的可像了。My friend can do a good imitation of Clinton the playboy.

你看看“花花公子公馆”酒保的密制鸡尾酒配方就明白了。See the bartender at the Playboy Mansion for cocktail recipes.

它也和花花公子x用狙击步枪消灭了望。Niko and Playboy X use sniper rifles to eliminate the lookouts.

花花公子拉明游荡于各色女人之间,每天过着逍遥的生活。Playboy ramin from various women, living a happy life every day.

你真是个花心大萝卜。我一定要将你所说的告诉你女朋友!You are a playboy. I will tell what you said to your girlfriend!

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一天女仆终于将花花公子藏在了大花篮里。Finally one day she hid the playboy in her covered flower basket.

我不想看见我老婆像拉脱亚一样出现在花花公子的裸照插页中。I don't want to see my wife as a centrefold in Playboy like LaToya.

史努比和花花公子的兔子标志常见诸衣端。Snoopy and the Playboy bunny logo are often stitched onto clothing.

当我说是象比尔·克林顿一样的纨绔子弟时,我是在跟开玩笑。I was just kidding when I said you were a playboy like Bill Clinton.

2008年参加花花公子爵士海上巡游,我又遇上了一次令人难忘的表演。On the 2008 Playboy Jazz Cruise, I saw another indelible performance.

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后来,乔丹•花花公子在经济大萧条中沉沦了,但敞篷车却活力依旧。The Jordan Playboy didn't survive the Depression, but the ragtop did.

花花公子的衣服流行起来以后,价钱也直逼天价。After Playboy clothes became popular, their prices went through the roof.

花花公子杂志正提供能让人在华尔街「输到脱裤」的新方法。Playboy magazine is offering a new way to lose your shirt on Wall Street.