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好,就是个基本的房车。Yeah, it's just basic RV.

西单女孩错过公共汽车了?。Did you miss the motor coach rv?

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我们慢慢开进小镇的一个房车停靠点。We pull into the town’s one RV park.

住在房车里有什么好处和坏处呢?What are some pros and cons living in an RV?

大转折车道加右停车空间!Large turnaround driveway PLUS RV parking space!

这些研究结果为RV的应用奠定了基础。These research results are the basis for RV application.

比如一只小仓鼠,每天都只能在一个旅行车场度日。Like a little hamster, who once spend his days in a RV pank.

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您不妨在这儿乘坐22路公共汽车。You can take a No. 22 motor coingternating currenth rv here.

来自东德克萨斯州的一组人雇了一辆休闲车成行。One group from eastern Texas, has hired an RV to make the journey.

结果RV肠炎大便中的双糖明显增加。Results The disaccharide in the RV enteritis is obviously increase.

MRI也提示右心腔扩大,右心室肌小梁排列紊乱。RV enlargement and trabecular derangement also were suggested by MRI.

我可以把这辆车退给他们,再把买车的钱要回来。I can take this thing back to Smiling Jakes Rv and get our money back.

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临床资料证明,使用该疫苗是安全的。Clinical results confirmed the safety of this oral live vaccine for RV.

世界卫生组织对轮状病毒疫苗的研究开发给予了高度重视。WHO has been thinking highly of the research and development of RV vaccine.

所以我们在归还房车前,驾车前往哈利法克斯附近的苏贝纳卡迪野生动物公园。So we drove to Shubenacadie Wildlife Park near Halifax before returning the RV.

回到营地后,布里顿集合了他的家人,一整晚都待在旅行房车里。Back at the campsite, Britton collected his family and stayed in the RV for the night.

大连骏奇汽车愿与您携手并进,共享中国房车事业的未来。We are willing to work with you hand in hand and share the future of RV business in China.

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方法测定临床诊断为RV肠炎44例患儿及正常对照大便的双糖。Methods The stool specimens form 44 RV enteritis and control were mensurated the disaccharide.

还是孩子们称他们成了百万富翁于是爸妈们退休而买了这玩意?Did their children announce they were millionaires so mom and dad could retire and buy that RV?

慢性病毒性肝炎合并风疹病毒感染可加重肝功能障碍同时延长病情恢复。The results suggested that the patient's liver dysfunction was deteriorated by RV Co-infection.