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枪战开始了。The gunfight began.

他在一次枪战中中弹身亡。He was shot dead in a gunfight.

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他称该地区的枪战仍然在继续。He said the gunfight in the area is sill on.

印度陆军上校在克什米尔枪战中丧生。Indian army colonel killed in gunfight in Kashmir.

墓碑镇最为人所知的就是1881年在OK畜栏发生的枪战。Tombstone is best known as the scene of the 1881 Gunfight at the O.

他早就预言他会像烈士一样死在一场与美军的枪战中。He predicted long ago he would die a martyr in a gunfight with US forces.

在枪战类游戏中,也可以做为步枪使用,体现好很好的兼容性。In the gunfight game, it can be used as musket , has the good compatibility.

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一个真正的射击,血清黄嘌呤氧化酶西部,与高中午风格枪战的结束。A real shoot-em-up, sexo western, with a high-noon style gunfight by the end.

当局说,星期一拂晓前发生在盖雷什克区的枪战还导致两人受伤。Authorities say two people were wounded Monday in the pre-dawn gunfight in Gereshk district.

星期六,在克什米尔南部一个地区,印度警方在一次重大枪战中击毙了6名叛乱份子。On Saturday, Indian police killed six rebels in a major gunfight in the Tral area of southern Kashmir.

当地居民称,伊斯兰反叛分子袭击了Azazga的建筑之后,双方爆发了长达两个小时的枪战。Local people said a two-hour gunfight followed the attack by Islamist insurgents on the compound in Azazga.

与他一同遭遇枪战的还有师兄常墩子。Still have senior fellow apprentice with what he encounters gunfight together constant a block of wood or stone.

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埃及官方媒体报道称,开罗南部的部队和抗议者发生冲突,双方交火长达4小时。Egyptian state media reported several army troops and protesters were injured in a four-hour gunfight in southern Cairo.

彭皓天和吴江来到日本商船上,经过一番剧烈的枪战照旧没有发现平笙的踪迹。Peng our headquarters and wujiang come to Japan to ships, after a severe gunfight earth found no trace of the flat sheng.

有一天,一群陌生人来到了这片森林,麦坎纳为了拯救森林发生了枪战,他受伤掉进了水里。One day, a flock of stranger come to this forest, maikanna produced gunfight to save a forest, he gets hurt fell into water in.

同时,昨天在蒙特雷北墨西哥的军队与毒贩武装在蒙特雷的近郊发生交火。A gunfight also unfolded yesterday in Monterrey, northern Mexico as Army and drug hitmen battled it out in a suburban neighbourhood.

昨晚缉毒警察和毒贩之间在这个街区展开了一场激烈的枪战,最终所有的毒贩被一网打尽。Last night a big gunfight broke out between the narc police and pushers in this block, and at last all of the pushers were arrested.

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昨天晚上缉毒刑警和这一地区的贩毒份子发生了一场很大的枪击战,最后所有的贩毒分子都被捕了。Last night a big gunfight broke out between the narc polices and pushers in this block, and at last all of the pushers were arrested.

这意味着,如果你平时训练时,能打出一个手掌大小的弹组,那在真正枪战时,分布的弹组至少要增大两倍以上。This means that if you shoot a hand size group to the thoracic cavity, it will grow in a real gunfight to at least twice as large a group.

在长达二小时不绝于耳的枪战声中,它给人这样一种感觉,除了摩加迪休大街上的武器以外,没有什么事物是不能牺牲的。It's a 2-hour-plus gunfight at the O.K. Corral, except that the weapons are blazing on the streets of Mogadishu, where all lives are expendable.