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这一回可别把我的汽车修坏了。Don't botch up my car this time.

我的装潢工作做得实在是糟糕。I've made a real botch of the decorating.

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我这段描写简直搞得糟透了。I have made a miserable botch of this description.

这个单身汉修复了一炉烤坏的饼干吗?Did the bachelor botch a batch badly baked biscuits?

他们所做的一切都是匆忙的修补工作。Everything they have made has been a rushed botch job.

他戴着手套的手笨拙地翻过了这一页。His gloved hand made a botch of turning over the page.

恐怕这意想不到的事故会把今天的晚宴搞糟。I'm afraid the unexpected accident may botch up the dinner today.

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我不要你颓废,空虚,迷茫,糟践自己,伤害别人。I don't want you decadent, emptiness, confusion, botch oneself, hurt others.

多少要学会一些糟蹋男人的方法,否则这么多的无聊男子该如何打发?Learn how many men botch some ways, or else so many silly ways to kill the man?

但最终你会收到理发师管理局的家伙寄来的一封信,信中命令你不得继续这样的做法。But eventually the folks at BOTCH will send you a letter, ordering you to desist.

仅仅一秒的犹豫往往就足够在一场紧张的比赛中延误战机。Just a second of hesitation is often enough to botch a crucial possession in a tight game.

这是我做过的最好的工作,没小孩,没猫,没有打蜡的地板,所以我不想搞砸了。This is the best posting I’ve ever had, no kids, nocats, no-wax floors, so I don’t want to botch it.

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也许刻板的修补更彰显各国政府的无能为力或是对控制入侵物种蔓延的不情愿。Perhaps the starkest botch has been their inability or unwillingness to control the spread of invasive species.

比起你曾处理的拙劣的工作来,更大的错误是试图掩盖你的错误,并假装它们并不存在。A bigger mistake than any botch job you'll ever manage is to try to bury your mistakes and pretend they don't exist.

根据常规PID控制算法和模糊控制算法的特点,作者提出了一种将这两种算法结合在一起的复合控制的新型算法。The author proposes a new algorithm, combining fuzzy control with the conventional PID regulation in accordance with botch characteristics.

在一、两个月里,可能什么事情也不会发生。但最终你会收到理发师管理局的家伙寄来的一封信,信中命令你不得继续这样的做法。You may be able to get away with this for a month or two. But eventually the folks at BOTCH will send you a letter, ordering you to desist.

耶和华必用埃及人的疮并痔疮,牛皮癣与疥攻击你,使你不能医治。The LORD will smite thee with the botch of Egypt, and with the emerods, and with the scab, and with the itch, whereof thou canst not be healed.

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弄错一个基本的科学事实也没什么可尴尬的,你大可以说你被大英百科全书中的某个错误条目误导了。It's not as embarrassing to botch a basic scientific fact, if you can say that you were misled by an incorrect entry in the Encyclopedia Britannica.

弄错一个基本的科学事实也没什么可尴尬的,你大可以说你被大英百科全书中的某个错误条目误导了。It’s not as embarrassing to botch a basic scientific fact, if you can say that you were misled by an incorrect entry in the Encyclopedia Britannica.

耶和华必将你和你所立的王领到你和你列祖素不认识的国去。在那里你必侍奉木头石头的神。The LORD shall smite thee in the knees, and in the legs, with a sore botch that cannot be healed, from the sole of thy foot unto the top of thy head.