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他仍然下令解散骑士团。Nonetheless he ordered the disbandment of the order.

随着本集团在2005年解散,诺尔斯在2006年发表的生日排队。Following the group's disbandment in 2005, Knowles released B'Day in 2006.

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因撤销、迁移等原因而停止使用土地的。Stoppage of the use of the land due to reasons such as disbandment and moving.

但是对卫队体系的不断推敲更助长了要求解散的声音。But the growing scrutiny of the village guard system is fueling calls for its disbandment.

公司解散是指公司结束其生命和消灭其独立人格的一种法律程序。The disbandment of company is a kind of legal procedure to terminate the company as a legal person.

尽管他们声明神起不会解散,事实上,解散是很有可能的。Although they state that there will be no disbandment , in reality, disbandment is more than likely.

即使他们在尽量避免解散这一最坏状况的发生,但是看起来他们的离开依然是有可能的。Even if they avoid the worst case scenario, disbandment , it feels like their departure of SM is set.

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美国对民主党派的背信弃义,是民盟解散的一大原因。America's betrayal of the democratic parties was the main reason for the disbandment of Democratic League.

而且,对生命周期的研究只注重组织的设立而没有考虑组织的最终去向。Furthermore, researches pay more attention to the establishment of organization, and less to its disbandment.

创业团队散伙现象在民营科技型企业相当普遍。The disbandment of entrepreneurial founder team is a popular phenomenon in private science & technology firms.

出现法律、行政法规规定的合伙企业解散的其他原因。Other reasons stipulated in laws and administrative regulations for the disbandment of the partnership enterprise arise.

歌手安七炫最近成为热门话题,因为他提到早在2001年解散的韩国出名组合H.O.T有复合的可能性。Singer KangTa recently became a hot topic as he mentioned the possibility of popular group H. O. T reuniting again since their disbandment back in 2001.

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从解体后的没落,到新世纪后的慢慢崛起,对于现在的俄罗斯来说,图书出版和销售市场仍然潜力巨大。From the effeteness after the disbandment to the stable rise after the new century now the new russia has a big potential for books'publishing and sales market.

从解体后的没落,到新世纪后的慢慢崛起,对于现在的俄罗斯来说,图书出版和销售市场仍然潜力巨大。From the effete ness after the disbandment to the stable rise after the new century now the new russia has a big potential for books'publishing and sales market.