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他从断头台上下来时,他的目光里有种东西使众人肃然退立。The scaffold is a vision.

断头台是狂欢节必不可少的一部分。The scaffold forms part of the fte.

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添加和定制脚手架模板Adding and Customizing Scaffold Templates

就在那---一具绞刑台与您面对面的看著您。There–and a scaffold looks you in the face.

使用本产品,可免搭脚手架。Uses this product, may exempt builds the scaffold.

脚手架上的工人也转过身来为我们的健康干杯。The men on the scaffold turned about and drank to our healths.

这个绞刑架成为这座博物馆第一件文物。The scaffold became the first item in the museum’s collection.

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地球将利用因特网作为框架来传输它的感觉。It will use the internet as a scaffold to transmit its sensations.

制备的多孔支架具有开孔式结构,孔隙间互相贯通。The porous scaffold has an interconnected open-pore microstructure.

PHB可以作为组织工程材料中的一种来修复骨缺损。PHB is one of the ideal scaffold material in bone tissue engineering.

对照组缺损填充无细胞单纯载体。The defects of control group were filled with scaffold without cells.

砖工人喊着要人再送些灰浆上去。The brick-layer at the top of the scaffold is calling for more mortar.

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画工们在这个建筑物上搭了一个脚手架画画。The painters set up a scaffold to work on while painting the building.

这些由焊接盎格鲁钢铁和脚手立杆组成的栏杆。These consist of weldnesh , steel angles and a scaffold pole handrail.

让我们用塑料把它盖起来,因为雨从脚手架上滴下来了。Let me cover it with plastic because rain is dripping off the scaffold.

两天后,他们把泌尿细胞涂在支架里面。Two days later, they coat the inside of the scaffold with urothelial cells.

在整个这段时间,海丝特都如泥塑木雕般地僵立在刑台脚下。During all this time, Hester stood, statue-like, at the foot of the scaffold.

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材料以液体状态被注射入患者体内,并在体内自发形成纳米纤维结构。Injected as a liquid, the nanogel self-assembles into a scaffold of nanofibers.

介绍了骨修复用支架材料和骨水泥的研究进展。The progress in scaffold materials and bone cements bone repair are introduced.

使用鹰架前,应依据工程标准PV3.4的规定检查鹰架板。Inspect scaffold planks for defects before using per engineering standard PV3.4.