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自信地说出来。Say it with assuredness.

或许是的,他确实太累了。Probably and yes, his assuredness are too tired.

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在香港谋生也确实不易。Make a living in Hong Kong too assuredness not easy.

生命是非常美好的,如果生活中充满了从容与自信的话。Life is happier if it is full of easiness and assuredness.

从那时候我有信心完成我所有的课程。From that time I have more assuredness to accomplish all my subjects.

确实,渐渐的发现一切都只是我自己的事情。Assuredness , gradually of detection everything just is all my own affair.

确实,十分困难,没有先进工具,仅仅只有,一些。Assuredness , very difficult, Have no the advanced tool, only only have, some.

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你可以调整自己的演讲符合你的预期,而呈现更准确、更自信的表演。You can then revise with better accuracy and assuredness that you're on the right track.

爱德华是一个有着和他年龄相称容貌,沙色短发缺乏自信的青年。He was a young man, close to his own age, with sandy blonde hair and an air of assuredness.

黛薄拉从恶梦中醒来时捏了自己一把以确实自己还活著。Deborah wake up from the nightmare, she pinched herself for the assuredness that she is still alive.

这个世界里有太多的我们确实无法左右的东西,似乎更是无法对抗的!There are too many our assuredness in this world can't or so thing, apparently also can't resist of!

安姬从恶梦中醒来时捏了自己一把以确信自己还活著。When Angie woke up from the nightmare, she pinched herself for the assuredness that she was still alive.

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黛薄拉从恶梦中醒来时捏了自己一把以确实自己还活着。When Deborah woke up from the nightmare, she pinched herself for the assuredness that she was still alive.

健美令您充满自信。周全的训练计划,令您看来神采飞扬之外更充满信心,勇于迎接人生挑战。You will be full of assuredness and be brave in receiving challenge with Personal Trainer's encouragement.

故本研究中使用的中药确实可以用来替代西药治疗,提供临床兽医师在治疗皮肤病时另外的替代疗法。There is no doubt the TCM is assuredness to substitute for WM remedy and provide clinician other remedy choice.

我在阿莱格里身上看到了我的影子。当年我从拿波里到尤文的时候,我拥有同样的自信和热情。I see a little bit of myself again in Allegri. When I went to Juve from Napoli I had the same assuredness and enthusiasm.

学识能增加你的自信,美丽源于自信,只有足够的自信会使你更加美丽迷人。Knowledge can increase your assuredness. Beauty from assuredness, enough assuredness will make your looks more beautiful and charming.

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在他在老特拉福德,他已与令人眼花缭乱的天赋,惊人的技巧和船队中发挥稳健的放心使用,曾经创造出神奇的难忘时刻的时间。Throughout his time at Old Trafford he has played with dazzling flair, breathtaking skill and a fleet-footed assuredness that has created unforgettable moments of magic.

为此,本文提出,风险导向审计应当继续更新审计理念,即引入舞弊推定和心证,以切实提高审计师揭露管理舞弊的能力。So, we bring forward that risk-oriented audit model should be updated through importing the idea of presumption of fraud and assuredness to improve auditors ability to reveal management fraud.