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量纲在这儿指的是什么?What is the dimension here?

维数最小只能是1One is the lowest dimension.

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这就是长的维度。This was the long dimension.

第四维是时间。The fourth dimension is time.

标注的标称值。Nominal value of the dimension.

这是一个纯白的维度。It is a dimension of pure White.

只要是长度/时间就不会错。It has the dimension length per time.

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然后配置维度属性。Then configure the dimension properties.

这部电影看起来有真实感。The film seems to have a third dimension.

另外,但地域特点也很重要。But the regional dimension is one of them.

在这个例子当中,那个维度就是国家。In this case, the dimension is the country.

中国几乎就是行骗。China is on almost every dimension cheating.

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次元经常被非次元所塑造。Dimension is always shaped by non-dimension.

快乐的道德维度呢?What about the moral dimension of happiness?

这就是隐匿于这首诗的意涵。It is the very dimension hidden in this poem.

联合国为此带来了一个重要方面。The UN brings an important dimension to this.

我觉得我在两方面都无法和他比肩。I don’t think I equal him on either dimension.

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时间有时被称为第四维。Time is sometimes called the fourth dimension.

舵杆机加工尺寸检查。发布。Inspection machining dimension of rudder stock.

文化现代性的时空维度。The time-space dimension of cultural modernity.