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6月的玫瑰花枯萎了。The June roses blighted.

有病的茎往往溃烂。Blighted stems often canker.

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干旱期使农作物枯萎了。The dry spell blighted the crops.

疾病使栎树和榆树枯萎。The disease blighted oaks and elms.

果树严重地染上了枯萎病。The fruit trees were badly blighted.

这最终使他在中年郁郁不得志。This in turn blighted his middle years.

生活艰苦的时候,人们只能靠秕谷充饥。When life was hard, people had to feed on blighted grains.

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根茎,你可以感觉到这可怜的植物一一天天地衰弱下去。The stack of the blighted rootstock will soon felt together.

他列举了曾因猪霍乱而萎靡不振的养猪业。He cites the pork industry, which used to be blighted with hog cholera.

这秋天的枯萎病的希望作记号了两的事业一个决定性的旋转。This autumn of blighted hopes marked a decisive turn in Liang 's career.

打坏了他们的葡萄和无花果树,又击倒了他们国内的一切树木。He blighted their vines and fig trees, shattered the trees in the countryside.

大多数法属阿尔及利亚人现在居住于点缀首都市郊的衰败贫民区。Most now live in the blighted housing estates which dot the outskirts of the capital.

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曾经遭受到伐木和工业的毁坏,这个地区的树木和水域已经经历过毁灭到新生。Once blighted by logging and industry, the region has undergone a renaissance of woods and waters.

水稻株高、有效分蘖、空秕率均随施肥量增加而增加。The rice height, effective tillering and blighted grains increased as the fertilizer was increased.

最近的民调显示,许多市民的头号担心是犯罪问题,不少地区都受到困扰。A recent poll showed crime is the number one concern of most city residents and many areas remain blighted.

他的同僚们望着他,对他那被一个女人的芬芳的气息所打破的好景感到有些怜悯。His colleagues looked at him, and doubtless pitied his prospects, blighted under the perfumed breath of a woman.

通往这个阿富汗最不发达的省的道路还没有铺好,检查点,秕土匪和塔利班随处可见。The road to this, the least developed province, is unpaved, checkpointed and blighted by bandits and the Taliban.

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自那以后,这片被破坏的地区就遍布着电塔、铁路轨道和满是垃圾的河流。Since then, the blighted area has been filled with electricity towers, railroad tracks and garbage-strewn streams.

通往这个阿富汗最不发达的省的道路还没有铺好,检查点,秕土匪和塔利班随处可见。The road to this, the least developed province, is unpaved , checkpointed and blighted by bandits and the Taliban.

通常,它会在一片废墟的市中心,但这一次,它在曾经蓬勃发展的南加州郊区。It is not, as might be expected, in a blighted city center, but in the once-booming suburbia of Southern California.