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这是圣心吗?Is it the Sacred Heart?

这是一个神圣的信任。This is a sacred trust.

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那是一个神圣的时刻。That was a sacred moment.

神圣与亵渎。Sacred versus the profane.

花蕾似的女性是神圣的。Woman in the bud is sacred.

火对诸神而言是神圣的。Fire was sacred to the gods.

它被民众认为是神圣的。It is sacred in popular belief.

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是耶稣的圣心。It's the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

记住卡罗尔神圣的嘱托。Remember Carroll's sacred trust.

永远有一座神圣的宝殿There is a temple sacred evermore

菩提是寺院里神圣的钟声么?Bodhi temple is a sacred bell you?

贡嘎山是一处圣地!Gongga Mountain is a sacred place!

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这里有圣河阿尔浮流奔。Where Alph, the sacred river, ran.

在印度,牛是神圣的动物。In India the cow is a sacred animal.

在每天的平凡中寻找神圣。Search for the sacred in the ordinary.

所有云都跑到我这里。I am surronded by the white sacred clouds.

在古埃及,猫是神圣的动物。In ancient Egypt the cat is sacred animal.

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我们使用它们来保卫我们神圣的土地。We use them to protect our sacred grounds.

忽闻海上有仙山,山在虚无缥缈间。Then he heard a sacred mountain in the sea.

你会唔会将呢份神圣嘅礼物畀我?!?Would you grant to me this sacred gift ?! ?