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两个患者的背痛及神经根放射痛均得到了快速的缓解。Both patients had rapid resolution of back and radicular pain.

结论根尖囊肿大多可由根管治疗术治愈,囊肿大时需结合外科手术治疗。Conclusion Most of radicular cysts can be cured with complete root canal therapy.

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患者自诉既往无颈痛或上肢的神经根症状。She reported no previous history of neck pain or upper-extremity radicular symptoms.

CEI一般用于治疗慢性神经根痛。Summary of Background and Data. CEIs are commonly used to treat chronic radicular neck pain.

如果有新的神经根性症状出现或原有症状加重,则试图评价这些症状的持续时间。If new or increasing radicular symptoms were present, we attempted to assess the duration of these symptoms.

马尾受压综合症的临床症状是非特异性的,单侧肢体轻偏瘫、下腰部疼痛、感觉异常、步态不稳。Symptoms are nonspecific with cauda equina syndrome, monoparesis, radicular or low back pain, paresthesias, and gait disturbances.

结论CT导引下脊神经周围注射复方倍他米松是一种安全、有效的治疗腰根性神经痛方法。Conclusion Periradicular compound betamethasone injection under CT guidance is safe and useful in the treatment of lumbar radicular pain.

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方法对58例根尖囊肿行根管治疗,术后观察囊肿病变区的变化。Method 58 cases with radicular cyst were treated with root canal therapy. The change of apical area was observed after root canal filling.

结论CT引导下的经皮穿刺神经根周围注射术,治疗难治性颈肩痛与腰腿痛,是一种高效、简便、安全的好方法。Conclusions CT-guided PRT is an effective, easy and safe procedure to treat patients with refractory cervical or lumbar radicular pain syndromes.

随着直腿抬高而无神经根性腿痛者,说明胃脊神经受压而引起症状的可能性小。The lack of radicular leg pain associated with straight leg raising diminishes the likelihood of spinal nerve compression as the source or symptoms.

目的调查人颈髓神经根硬膜性被膜内神经末梢的数量分布,探讨颈神经根性疼痛的发病机制。Objective To find out the distribution of nerve endings in the dural sheath of cervical nerve roots and to study the mechanism of cervical radicular pain.

结论颈神经节两端被膜中大量存在的游离神经末梢在颈神经根性疼痛发病机制中可能起到的重要作用。Conclusion The free nerve endings in the dural root sheaths especially those in the DRG sheath are thought to play an important role in cervical radicular pain.

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结论神经肌电图检查在腰骶神经根病变与下肢外周神经病变的鉴别中具有一定的意义。Conclusion ENMG may play a definite role in differential diagnosis between peripheral nerve entrapment syndrome in lower extremity and lumbosacral radicular pain.

对于根性症状的慢性颈肩疾病,有温和的证据表明针灸是超过有效地在短期后续等待清单控制。For chronic neck disorders with radicular symptoms, there was moderate evidence that acupuncture was more effective than a wait-list control at short-term follow-up.

患者同时有骨赘,滑膜囊肿或小关节肥大时根性疼痛症状也可伴随成骨样疼痛模式。In patients with osteophytes, synovial cysts, or facet hypertrophy, the presence of radicular symptoms may also accompany sclerotomal referral patterns table 3 and fig.

结论MED治疗既能解除神经根压迫,又最大限度地保持了小关节结构的完整性,对脊柱稳定性的影响小,是治疗单纯腰椎侧隐窝狭窄症的理想方法。Conclusion MED is an ideal therapy for treating SLSL, which can re-lieve the radicular syndrome, protect small joints and has a slight influence on the spinal stabilization.

结论综合电生理检查能提高神经根型颈椎病的诊断率,帮助定位和判断预后。Conclusion Comprehensive examinations of electrophysiology can increase the diagnostic rate of cervical radicular spondylosis, help locational diagnosis and estimate prognosis.

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方法原代体外培养成釉细胞瘤细胞、牙源性角化囊肿、根端囊肿及口腔粘膜的上皮细胞和成纤维细胞,倒置光相差显微镜观察。Methods Epithelial cells and fibroblast from ameloblastoma, keratocyst, dentigerous cyst, radicular cyst and oral mucosa were cultured and observed by phase-contrast microscope.

硬膜外注射糖皮质激素在临床上广泛应用于治疗颈腰腿痛及术后镇痛等症,但对其全身影响关注较少。Epidural glucocorticoid injection has a significant role in the treatment of low back and neck pain, radicular pain and postoperative pain, but the research of its systemic effects is limited.

方法选择术前有严重肢端麻木和剧烈根性疼痛的腰神经卡压症46例,行神经外压迫解除后切开神经根鞘膜减压。Methods 46 cases of lumbar nerve compression syndromes with severe extremity end numbness and radicular pain were undergone operation. All were performed local decompression and epineurolysis.