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把我们从紧张烦躁中解救出来。Tend to relieve us from being a nervous, dyspeptic set.

此卷最好看的地方是贝克特对某些书的恶评。Some of the best material here is Beckett's dyspeptic book talk.

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一只消化不良的沙拉克把猎人吐回到荒漠。A dyspeptic Sarlacc regurgitates the hunter onto the desert sands.

1992年它发行了一个让人难以消化的关于一个脱口秀主持人的戏剧“拉里-桑德秀”。In 1992 it launched "The Larry Sanders Show", a dyspeptic comedy about a talk-show host.

正常的大便习惯有助于改善胃排空时间和消化不良症状。Normalization of bowel habit may improve gastric emptying as well as dyspeptic symptoms.

治疗前后和治疗期间每天分别评估各消化不良症状的积分、药物副作用和患者的依从情况。The index scores of dyspeptic symptoms, side effects, and compliance were evaluated before and after treatment.

然而旅游评论员越来越没有理由挑剔到全球各地旅行的日本游客了。Dyspeptic travel commentators, though, have increasingly fewer reasons to kick around the globe- trotting Japanese.

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这就是一个国家陷入一场没有结果的战争和一个夏天的暗杀与暴动后的狂躁与不安。Such was the dyspeptic mood of a nation deep into a fruitless war and a year after a summer of assassinations and riots.

扩张压力使高敏感消化不良患者出现痛觉过敏,同时也诱发强烈的非痛性感觉。Hyperalgesia occurs in hypersensitive dyspeptic patients at distending pressures that also induce intense non-painful sensations.

运用止泻颗粒剂与思密达作对照治疗小儿消化不良性肠炎。Zhixie Granule was used to treat infantile dyspeptic enteritis, compared with a control group treated with dioctahedral smectite.

心理社会因素可能通过影响内脏感觉功能、胃运动功能等而影响FD患者的消化道症状。Psychosocial factors may adversely affect the perception and motility of gut and thus provoke dyspeptic symptoms in patients with FD.

然而,对于不同病因引起的消化不良症状,多种消化酶制剂的疗效没有显著差异。However, there was no significant difference in the dyspeptic symptoms improved between the patients with dyspepsia from various origins.

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心理干预可改善FD患者的消化不良症状,抗焦虑或抗抑郁治疗对FD亦有一定疗效。Psychotherapy may improve dyspeptic symptoms in FD patients. Anxiolytics or antidepressants have been shown to be effective in the treatment of FD.

研究还进一步证实了洋蓟提取物的止吐效果,确认其适应消化不良综合症、治疗慢性胃肠及肝脏问题、高血脂、高胆固醇和胆囊问题。It has also been shown to help alleviate abdominal pain. Current research also verifies antiemetic effects of the leaf extract confirming its indication for dyspeptic syndrome.